mTurk! Should be able to google up 'amazong mturk' and get there.
Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff
mTurk! Should be able to google up 'amazong mturk' and get there.
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I would like to be able to dye my hair (teal!) for my birthday next month. I plan to / can do it myself, but it'll cost me about $60~ for dye/supplies.
I know there's ways to earn Amazon credit/gift cards out there. Anyone know any of these ways so I can start working on that?
$60 for dye and supplies?! Girl who is overcharging you?
@wretched said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I would like to be able to dye my hair (teal!) for my birthday next month. I plan to / can do it myself, but it'll cost me about $60~ for dye/supplies.
I know there's ways to earn Amazon credit/gift cards out there. Anyone know any of these ways so I can start working on that?
$60 for dye and supplies?! Girl who is overcharging you?
I use Pravana, which is not cheap. And I have to mix colors to get the right shade of teal. Pravana ain't cheap. So I need bleach, toner, dye. Some bowls (so I'm not putting chemicals in bowls I use for eating!), etc...
I mean mebbe closer to $40 but Pravana prices fluctuate on Amazon.
Amongst the many thrilling possibilities that comes along with diabetes (weight + family history = odds stacked against me) is that it makes healing much harder. Apparently I scratched a spot on my shoulder in my sleep, and I've had to see a doctor as a result. Doing both external and internal antibiotics, popping ibuprofen for the pain, and basically walking around with a half-supporting bra because right now straps are the devil.
@cupcake said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
Amongst the many thrilling possibilities that comes along with diabetes (weight + family history = odds stacked against me) is that it makes healing much harder. Apparently I scratched a spot on my shoulder in my sleep, and I've had to see a doctor as a result. Doing both external and internal antibiotics, popping ibuprofen for the pain, and basically walking around with a half-supporting bra because right now straps are the devil.
I understand your pain. ;.; I get in a similar boat sometimes because of severe anemia. One of my cats scratched gave me a scratch on my back something fierce the other week and it will not heal. Part of the issue is I keep forgetting that it's there (since I can't see it?), so I'll get this itch! Between my shoulders! and go to scratch it.... and rip the whole thing open again unwillingly.
Hopefully the external antibiotics help. I know sometimes just getting something cooling and soothing on a spot like that can be the most wondrous thing.
I know a lot of MUers who suffer from migraines. I've been keeping an eye on a medication moving through the FDA process for that and it got approved finally.
If anyone is interested in looking it up here's the website link: -
@jaded said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I know a lot of MUers who suffer from migraines. I've been keeping an eye on a medication moving through the FDA process for that and it got approved finally.
If anyone is interested in looking it up here's the website link: the 'talk to your healthcare provider' section...
including if you are allergic to rubber or latex
@jaded said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
I know a lot of MUers who suffer from migraines. I've been keeping an eye on a medication moving through the FDA process for that and it got approved finally.
If anyone is interested in looking it up here's the website link: initial estimated cost is ~$6000 per year. On the bright side there are now 4 competing migraine drugs and it's expected the price for all will drop.
@auspice said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
In the 'talk to your healthcare provider' section...
including if you are allergic to rubber or latex
Surprise! It's sex! Safe sex.
My face is leaking out of my nose and eyes.
Goddamnit, allergies.
Ohio is considered one of the worst if not the worst US State for allergies.
Goddamnit, Ohio.
@thenomain said in Health and Wealth and GrownUp Stuff:
My face is leaking out of my nose and eyes.
Goddamnit, allergies.
Ohio is considered one of the worst if not the worst US State for allergies.
Goddamnit, Ohio.
Ohio never bothered me much. Seattle didn't.
I break out in hives when I go outside here in Austin this spring (no issues summer/fall).
I think my body missed the 'where allergies happen' memo.
Actual (*) conversation I had with my lower back:
Me: Let's do all the things!
Lower back: I'm tired. Let's not do these things.
Me: You're not the boss of me! I'll what I want!
Lower back: Hold my beer.(*) Dramatization.
As of this past weekend, I am done with school.
Graduation is next weekend (couldn't afford the time off / travel, so no ceremony or anything for me).Got an email today from my instructor asking if my portfolio website (the big final thing we had to do) could be used to showcase in a blog the school is putting together as an example of good site design. I did not expect that.
I feel kind of weird just...... post-school. Like do I celebrate? Or what?
All I have from my family is my father giving a pretty much 'about time' and 'you're lucky you're still the first of your siblings to get a degree, since you waited so long.' -
@auspice I also graduated as an adult with a full-time work schedule, which feels super weird, though at least had the ability to walk at graduation with one of my fellow "Yeah, we're 30....." classmates.
I recommend taking your next few days that you have off of work and doing literally nothing with them. Like, relish the fact that you have no deadlines looming over your head. Give yourself permission to spend the entire time playing video games in your underpants like an irresponsible teenager if you want to. Or whatever else may be on your personal "I don't have to do anything right now" wishlist.
And then when your diploma comes, put it in the most ostentatious frame you can afford. I still owe $44K on that thing. You bet its framed in the gaudiest gold-colored whatsit I could find.
Diploma frames are expensiiiiiive. I doubt it'll end up framed anytime soon.
I've never even taken my diploma out of the envelope it was given to me in aside from when I occasional stumble of it and go "huh, what's in this envelope?"
I then think about framing it, look up frames, never buy one and then forget about it for a few years.
Congratulations on passing your program!
I think I may have underestimated how much more my new position would get me. I'm not even fully on the new project (I still do 10 hours a week on an old one) and my paycheck is already much better.
If nothing goes awry, I think I can have a car within 4, 5 months (there's other things I need to do on the way, like oh god I need new glasses).
Double-post whatev.
I now wish I could have made it to the campus for my school for graduation. I got Salutatorian for my program.
Someone. Somewhere. Has to have my immunization records... right?!