Don't get me wrong, I love my partner.
She's kind, good-humored, and intelligent. She genuinely loves our children, and goes out of her way for them constantly, to the point where I have to harp on her for being so damn forgiving to the little monsters. Want to know how to make spoiled children? Do what they ask.
But, for fuck's sake, woman, the baseline for any relationship is taking care of yourself.
This is kind of important. You see, she is missing organs -- thyroid, uterus, an ovary, soul (former lawyer) -- and, as such, her body doesn't regulate itself very well. She's on a number of vitamin and mineral supplements to go along with the synthroid, all of which combines to keep her important ion levels (K, Ca, etc.) just so. This also means that she should be checking these levels constantly, and essentially be drinking nothing but fucking Gatorade or Pedialyte all day.
Last night, she had two minor cardiac episodes due to a drastic potassium deficiency.
Like, come on. Bitch, please, you ain't allowed to die until the kids are in college. I wouldn't be half as irritated if I weren't constantly pressing on her to eat better (she still eats like she's in college, which is to say she misses out on meals constantly), or exercising some (not that she's fat or overweight, but she's definitely not healthy), or am actively taking steps to make sure that I'm alive over the next dozen years (because, to be frank, I want to die most of the time because I feel that life is that good).
So, I'm probably the selfish git who is upset because she landed herself in the hospital.
But, I don't think so. The fuck I am. The least that anyone could do for their loving partner is to fucking take care of themselves when they know they have a health issue. Inside, I am beyond pissed at her because I saw it coming and I've been telling her for months to get her levels checked, but I'm not the health professional in the family; I'm just Chinese, which makes me one by proxy and destiny.
Da fuq.
Oh, and school sent both our kids home today because they "didn't seem to be feeling well." Fuck you, bitch, if they aren't burning up, you let them die in a closet for all I care. (Boy was just fine, just a bit cranky; girl has major allergies that makes her hack and wheeze and be a grouch.) I realize it's a Catholic school, and God is good and all that bullshit, but I expect a school nurse to take a more scientific approach to determining whether you need to make me re-arrange my schedule thus pissing off my clients.
Oh, and I'm the unhealthy asshole because I drink and smoke.