Aug 30, 2017, 7:34 AM

@Woragarten No, I don't mean physically weighted, sorry. I assume the physical dice are close enough to fair for anyone playing (it's not like comic-store normal d6es are perfectly fair).

The dice are designed in such a way as that each face will have one of various symbols (success, advantage, critical, or blank) with each of the various kinds of dice (d6 through 1d12) having different arrangements of these symbols. There are faces that can have multi symbols, ie 2 successes, 2 advantage, or 1 success/1 advantage. Dice don't have failures (aside from blanks), but there are corresponding bad dice with inverted symbols (though not perfectly so, they're weighted to give players a slight edge on equal dice).

Anyway basically the default dice are more generous with the total # of advantage symbols across their faces but less so with successes (and same with failures/disadvantage), so big pools tend to generate massive advantage/disadvantage totals so often it can wonk with the drama they're supposed to represent.