They did finally start sending out the emails for the Family of Monsters package on the BtP front.
The State of the Chronicles of Darkness
They did finally start sending out the emails for the Family of Monsters package on the BtP front.
@Coin You get the cool stuff by oathing to someone above you in turn. An Invictus prince, amusingly enough, gets few of the benefits of oathing because he's the point from which all oaths germinate--
But he gets to be prince, and he has inertia against being removed, because if he ceases to have title the whole oathing system might collapse.
- 12 days later
So Secrets of the Covenants has moved from 2nd Draft to Editing.
@tragedyjones said:
So Secrets of the Covenants has moved from 2nd Draft to Editing.
FFS, speed it up, OP.
The secrets of the Covenants are: We are going to power creep the shit out of this game line.
@Thenomain The LS/Crone stuff I read didn't impress me power-wise. Unless I missed something, of course.
@Arkandel said:
@Thenomain The LS/Crone stuff I read didn't impress me power-wise. Unless I missed something, of course.
Some of the Theban Sorcery stuff in the preview was pretty harsh. And the god-like thing you can summon as a Crone was heinous.
Clearly y'all missed the Carthian merit that lets you throw an object back at someone.
So maybe what you all read was a copy of "Playground Antics of the Covenants" that accidentally got mixed in with "Wildly Fluctuating Power Balance of the Covenants".
@tragedyjones said:
Clearly y'all missed the Carthian merit that lets you throw an object back at someone.
! Its all in the reflexes... !
Per Martin Ericcson, the new WoD lead at Paradox Interactive:
"Hia! I favour using the term Lead Storyteller instead of the more corporate / impersonal Creative Director or whatever. I'll be stewarding the WoD storyline across all media formats and guard it's themes and moods across multiple game lines working with multiple teams and products. My personal WoD collection includes a HUGE amount of NWoD material next to my beloved OWoD and Promethean is one of my all time favourite games. That being said, it's too early for me to even hint at our plans. The deal got done a few days ago, so thank you for your patience. The dark has a purpose."
- 25 days later
From yesterday's update:
NWoD 2 β At Paradox for approval.
This post is deleted! -
The only change there is Paradox is signing off on them rather than CCP.
- 17 days later
News from the big-ass Paradox WoD convention.
Apparently NWoD is getting a name change to Chronicles of Darkness (and hey, the new 2e core is now at advance sale!) and that's pretty much it. The subtitle for the other games is going to be changed out to Chronicles of Darkness for rebranding; apparently to further differentiate. The example given by Dave B. is 'Requiem is a Chronicles of Darkness game, Masquerade is a World of Darkness game'.
I get what they're doing and I'm okay with it. I think it'll make explaining the difference easier to brand-spankin' new people. I'll post more as I get it.
Also, someone already bought the new book and was posting stuff bout it in SA. There's some info on new systems like equipment creation, investigations (a more depth system which I think would be interesting for a MU*) and a bit about monster creation.
And a huge bunch of twitter stuff from the Tenebrae Noctis convention at Some notes...
- Paradox/WW will be doing the new Vampire edition in-house to coincide with a new video game
- OPP will continue CofD, 20th Anniversary and anything they bought outright
- They have plans for a netflix series apparently
- They will be doing a mortals line for the WoD they're publishing in house (hooooo boy...)
- They plan to get their in-house books in stores (no word if this will also be done for OPP)
@Bobotron said:
They have plans for a netflix series apparently
Wasn't there already a Masquerade-related series at one point?
@Derp said:
@Bobotron said:
They have plans for a netflix series apparently
Wasn't there already a Masquerade-related series at one point?
Yeah, Kindred the Embraced. It was... iffy at the start, started getting better, then was picked up by Showtime. Then the lead actor died in a motorcycle accident, and everything fell through with it.
This is all good news. The Paradox guys are White Wolf nerd-fans from way back and have always shown an obsessive eye for detail in all their games. There may be a flop or two in what they release but by and large I expect them to be at the very least polished and well thought out.
The only real quibble I have is that sometimes, Paradox doesn't know where to stop. The most recent Conan film was co-produced by Paradox, and they essentially turned what was a fresh opportunity to restart a film franchise with a star that had a surge of popularity into a 90+ minute advertisement for their Age of Conan MMO, which had already gone Free To Play by that point. Everything was designed to look like locations and characters from the game. They brought in Acheronia, which had never been more than a passing mention in the Conan mythos, but had a central role in the game. Rose McGowan's character was a Necromancer straight out of the game. And the results were obvious: people, even Conan fans, didn't really connect with the film, despite the early excitement for Jason Momoa in the lead role.
Also, I'd like to hear more on what's going to happen with Trinity and Scion
@Runescryer said:
Also, I'd like to hear more on what's going to happen with Trinity and Scion
Trinity and Scion belong to Onyx Path entirely now, iirc.