We opened on Saturday fully. This was not without bugs and we rushed Thenomain a bit in the process, but supernatural approvals are progressing apace and RP is happing. So far so good! Now the important bit:
If you have in the past claimed a supernatural spot on Eldritch, you have until Saturday at noon PST to submit your properly chargened application using cg/submit with all the required elements +noted on your character, like covers or touchstones or what have you. If you haven’t finished by then, we will release your spot so that someone else can take it. This should not be news in general, since we have been saying this all along, but just in case there are people that haven’t logged in and don’t know we’re open, I’m posting here too.
On a related note, we will be reopening unclaimed spots in waves. I am going to do Demons first on Sunday. On Friday I will post (on Eldritch) the exact time on Sunday I will be taking +jobs requesting a demon slot, and probably a guess at how many slots I think I will have. On Sunday, I will toss up an ‘OPEN’ post and the second it goes up its first-come, first-served until they’re gone. My feeling is that they will go very quickly. This is imperfect, but as we have established, there is perhaps no perfect way to do this. The same thing, roughly, will happen with Vampire and then Werewolf at a later point in time so as to avoid another vast influx of apps all at once.
I’m very excited to start STing once we’re through with this setup jazz.