What's the new hotness?
So whats the place to be these days? Is it anywhere awesome? Extra points if anyone knows where a dude can find a hoppin' Requiem 2nd Ed game. Or Exalted 3rd. Or Shadowrun 5th.
Reno is offering Werewolf and Vampire currently free from the tyranny of Mage, Changeling, or Demon. reno.mechanipus.com 7639
@The-Tree-of-Woe (I can see Mage and Demon both having a huge effect on multisphere games that's not always welcome, but what did Changeling ever do to you?
I have no suggestions since I don't play anywhere presently, and I don't honestly plan to do anything more RPwise than maintain my 'talk to a buddy while he's deployed' OOC Shang login.
If you are around generally, though, I may want to pick your brain on some things down the line. The magic 8 ball has not given me a clear answer on whether or not this will be necessary, but when it gets back to me, I'll poke.
While it's all effectively freeform, system-wise, United Heroes has been really fun over the past few weeks. Staff appears to be super supportive all the crazy comic plots/ideas that I've thrown their way, so long as I can articulate how those ideas facilitate more (and more inclusive) RP. The playerbase also seems, on the whole, to really want to roll with whatever scene ideas emerge and contribute substantively to them.
@Arkandel Short form, based on my COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE observation somehow staff always winds up inordinately favoring it and with its pledges and such everything always seems to wind up all kinds of the fuck about it.
3Exalted is up and about, but it is Penn, and it hurts us.
@The-Tree-of-Woe said in What's the new hotness?:
@Arkandel Short form, based on my COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE observation somehow staff always winds up inordinately favoring it and with its pledges and such everything always seems to wind up all kinds of the fuck about it.
Fairly sure it's because 2nd ed Changeling isn't technically out yet?
Yeah, Changeling does get an inordinate amount of weird protectionism just about everywhere it is offered. Mage as a system is fine, but mage players tend to do dumb shit with the systems, and there are very few ways to cracks down on that in most places that it is offered. Demon I like but jesus does it not play well with others.
As an exclusive WOD mu person, I can'try really comment on the other systems.
But Fate's Harvest is looking pretty promising, if you want a changeling game.
Changeling always seemed rather underpowered to me compared to other splats. But then again I never had a Lost character for long, so maybe I'm missing something here.
@Arkandel Well, there's underpowered at starting stats, and then there's underpowered at XP totals through the roof. Mage is completely sane and doesn't disrupt much if anything at starting levels, either, but get to 500xp in nWoD, and, wellllllllll...
So it's probably the same sort of issue.
Changeling has some pretty powerful stuff at the mid-lower range, though, you've just got to pay attention to when your eyes sweep over it in the book.
Spring Changelings have a power where, with a kiss, they can control the desires of the people they've just kissed.
On the surface, this power doesn't seem all too great, right? THE CHICK IS ALREADY KISSING ME, I DON'T NEED TO USE A POWER TO MAKE HER DESIRE ME. Sure, if you look at it that way...
...but what if you're in an interrogation room with a police officer?
Sure, your PC isn't attracted to the cop. 52, balding, beer belly, and with a penis might not be your character's type, but going to jail is less their type and it's just a kiss, right?
I've never seen social attributes and social skills lend to so powerful and so subjective a creature-splat power in a while. Controlling a desire? DAMN. The possibilities are extended, and upon certain critical level results, the change to their desires can last for days.
It can also lead to some fun backlash RP:
My changeling kissed a vampire to keep from being blood-drained, and altered the desire to 'keep <character> safe'. After I'd had the character use the power, I realized that it could have been interpreted as: "YOU MEAN SAFE IN A DUNGEON WHERE NO ONE CAN HARM HIM?". For my character's sake, I was grateful the other player didn't use that "AI" interpretation of "safe", but had she gone that route, I'd have honored it.
@Arkandel said in What's the new hotness?:
Changeling always seemed rather underpowered to me compared to other splats. But then again I never had a Lost character for long, so maybe I'm missing something here.
I don't think it's underpowered to be able to transform into an inorganic, semi-animate object.
If you know your power combos, a mid-level Changeling can be very, very scary.
The thing that's out of balance about the game to me is the pledges. Being able to add stuff to people's sheets that don't cost XP for drawbacks that will almost certainly never come up unless an ST or player forces the issue was, to me, a terrible concept in game design. And then Demon turned around and did Pledges Part Deux.
Mage's problem was always largely cultural for me, and even though I still can't get into it I've softened as I've run into mages who weren't absolute raging misanthropic pricks. I could live with it if they opened a Mage genre on Reno. I will be a good lad and reserve judgment on Changeling 2E until I see it in action.
@Ghost Don't ever do that to a 2nd Edition Daeva, or it's the basement pit for you.
@The-Tree-of-Woe said in What's the new hotness?:
@Ghost Don't ever do that to a 2nd Edition Daeva, or it's the basement pit for you.
Hey, it's the World of Darkness. Mistakes get made. After a kiss, a Changeling gets turned into a basement live-in keggerator. Them's the breaks, and it'd be pretty sweet, IMO.
Edit: Yeah, I gotta admit, part of me kinda wishes they'd gone the "keep him safe" route to see how that RPed out.
@The-Tree-of-Woe said in What's the new hotness?:
The thing that's out of balance about the game to me is the pledges. Being able to add stuff to people's sheets that don't cost XP for drawbacks that will almost certainly never come up unless an ST or player forces the issue was, to me, a terrible concept in game design. And then Demon turned around and did Pledges Part Deux.
Something, something, something... works great in tabletop with an ST that knows your characters and is running a game catered to them... something, something, something... not made for a MU*... something, something, something... all splats are not created equal.
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