Steam Buddies?
@Admiral said:
Is Talisman worth getting? I might pick it up if folks give it good reviews. Also looking at Small World.
I really enjoyed it. The games can be very very long though, but I still really enjoyed it. It's a little bit RPGy for a boardgame but really fun. XD It'd be nightmare to play on an actual board, mind, but computerized it's pretty clean and organized well.
I will warn, however, that if you take too long to take your actions the game will play for you and will do things you don't want it to do.
I have come to hate the Apple Store. They used to do a decent job representing the customer, but now they only represent Apple, like any other retail chain out there. That and it takes the threat of Class Action lawsuits for Apple to say the words, "We know, and we are working on it."N.b., I am loving my new MacBook Pro.
@Thenomain said:
I have come to hate the Apple Store.
N.b., I am loving my new MacBook Pro.
... Stockholme syndrome?
I don't know how to respond to that, but I felt that I had to because of the complete mental disconnect of making fun of someone saying, for example, "I hate car mechanics/I love my car." Lol, you hate yourself.
I suppose if it was actually funny I would have heh'd and moved on.
Aside from Castle Crashers I also splurged and got Killing Floor 2.
...the game is surprisingly really, really good. Very clean game, good graphics and excellent hitboxes.
...also a little terrifying when you get cut off from your team and you've got a giant dude with a chainsaw tearing you a new one.
I recommend both to anyone who is interested in cooperative gameplay.
Actually I've played Talisman (several different editions) on physical board and own a v4 set. I've even dragged @Loki into playing before.It's a loooong game, kinda like monopoly. Handy for having something to do when you have almost enough people to continue your pencil&paper campaign but one or two critical participants are missing.
I imagine playing it online would be a lot better.
@Chime said:
I imagine playing it online would be a lot better.
Wut? The point of Talisman is the table talk. It sure as hell isn't the skill! As long as you're all Skyped up. In which case, why aren't you playing Pretend You're Xyzzy?
@Thenomain I hate skype.
Being a computer programmer, you also hate implied correlation. Skype, Mumble, Facetime, yelling loudly across the house, like it matters.Jeeezus. Coders.
Correlation is not causation. Data is not the plural of anecdote.I dislike skype in particular, but also most vocal forms of communication. It'd be so much better if we all just could wave lots of arms around and change our skin to various color/polarization patterns. Hmmmm.
Nerd Slap-Fight! -
It'd be so much better if we all just could wave lots of arms around and change our skin to various color/polarization patterns. --> Nerd Slap-Fight!
You two are in accord.
But... I don't want eight arms... what would I do with them all?!?
- 19 days later
Humble Paradox Bundle on Humblebundle.
Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 4 and a bunch of other cool games.
Definitely worth getting and playing with me on Steam. :3
Argh, I have a lot of the games on that list. But EU4 is on my wishlist as is Sengoku. This also reminds me to start saving money for the steam summer sale so I dont end up bankrupt and foodless.
@Arkandel said:
@Thenomain said:
I have come to hate the Apple Store.
N.b., I am loving my new MacBook Pro.
... Stockholme syndrome?
I haven't looked at this thread in like a month, so missed this, and I just had to reassure @Arkandel that I did actually laugh out loud. Just the once, but still.
Don't let Thenomain's humorless disapproval weigh you down!
@HelloRaptor It never has before.
It's what keeps some of us alive.
Anyone have it and want to play Talisman?