@collective said in How should IC discrimination be handled?:
And when I asked if people were willing to put a notice like that in theme, the reply was variations on 'No'.
@collective said in How should IC discrimination be handled?:
How willing are you to put a notice on, say, your log-in screen and/or very prominently in your OOC rooms/Character Generation rooms that says something like, 'By playing here, you agree to deal with as many racist, homophobic, sexist and other slurs as your fellow players feel like slinging as long as that slinging stays IC.'
People said no to putting a notice prominently on the login screen / OOC room that said this. Which is extremely heavy-handed. Ganymede's suggestion, however, was to put something much more reasonable within poli-
Why am I even trying? This is you moving the goalposts again. This is you, yet again, saying something wildly unreasonable, having people react, and then acting the victim when it comes up again later. This is precisely the behavior I am talking about.
You don't want a reasonable debate.
You don't want a constructive discussion.
You want to make people look bad. You want to find excuses to retain whatever ideals you've constructed of 'gamers are bad' (in which case why are you playing?).
And I've quoted you, yourself, so you can't pull another 'don't put words in my mouth.' You didn't ask if people were willing to put a notice in theme, you asked if they were willing to put a (rude, tbh) notice on the connect screen or OOC room, not as part of policy or similar.