Jan 21, 2020, 8:35 PM


I'm sorry @Auspice but I really don't think they told them wrong. Faraday is real quick to say "no" to anything she doesn't agree with. And as you said, it's her right. But warning someone... That's a good thing too. I've contributed a "Dark Skin" for Ares.

This is bullshit.

I don't usually engage in this sort of stuff, but this is BULLSHIT.

Faraday is hands down the most patient, level headed person I think I've ever seen. I have seen her say no, firmly. I've also seen her spend a GREAT DEAL OF TIME explaining why she's saying no, what her philosophy is, and why it doesn't fit within that philosophy. Patiently. Clearly. Politely.

Including to you.

She's also spent a ton (and I mean a TON) of time helping me implement things that are never going to touch Ares core - some of which she doesn't particularly love philosophically. At least one of these things is now up as an Ares Extra for others who want to implement it.

Faraday is not only open to people modifying the server, but she actively supports it. I would not be half the ruby coder I am (whatever that is) without her continued patience and help.

I've also witnessed people being incredibly rude in the face of her helpfulness and generosity. Repeatedly. And it's bullshit, too.