Fuuuuuuuuuuuck cedar season.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck cedar season.
Having a day where I miss my cat more than usual. It hasn't been a month yet but I'll hear a song on my Spotify rotation and just sigh.
Got my date at hospital finally.
April 14.
I'll just... exist on 2 hours a sleep per night until then?
(Obviously going to dispute this but wtf, seriously).
Someone keeps reporting my Instagram account and causing it to get locked.
Like I'm sorry I post pictures of my cats and crafty shit?
@auspice Might not be someone reporting it. That happened to me too and it turned out to be a Chrome plugin infected with malware -- which Instagram detected and noped out on every time. Check your plugins.
New job is due to start on Monday.
I've done all the paperwork.
I'm in the payroll.
I've done the background check, drug test.
Contracting agency said the 4th.Last Monday I emailed to say hi, yes, I start in a week, but: how? Am I working on my own equipment, are they providing equipment, if so do I need to pick it up... aka WHAT AM I DOING COME MONDAY MORNING
Reply: they're sending the equipment!
Thursday: emailed recruiter AND my new boss to say hi, yes, I start Monday, I do not have the equipment, please advise.
New boss gets back to me today: Wait, you start this Monday? I thought it was next Monday!
I have NO ISSUES with the company I'm doing the work for, but the communication abilities of the recruiting agency leave much to be desired.long story short: if the equipment shows up this weekend (tomorrow), I start Monday. If not, I start the following Monday. NBD, but at least now I know.
Been trying to sit down and work on writing, but it's been a pain to really sit down and focus. And nothing is really coming together in my head as easy as it usually does when I'm not actively working on things.
Perhaps I'm feeling a bit more isolated than usual lately, but it's been a couple of frustrating days lately.
@testament said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Been trying to sit down and work on writing, but it's been a pain to really sit down and focus. And nothing is really coming together in my head as easy as it usually does when I'm not actively working on things.
Perhaps I'm feeling a bit more isolated than usual lately, but it's been a couple of frustrating days lately.
My advice would be to write something. Not the thing you're working on, necessarily, but something. A to do list, a short summary of your favourite film/game/novel, an essay on the frailties of life. Whatever. Just something. So sure, you won't have made direct progress on The Thing, but you have written. You have gained skill, and you were productive.
I insisted we do a no contact pick up of the puppy, who has been staying with my fella's parents since I contracted covid, last night because I've been in general feeling a lot better... And he's been back with us for less than 12hrs and I'm now coughing non-stop.
I really don't want to send him away again.
He needs to be leashed trained, potty trained, crate trained. So much training, and god my head hurts from the coughing and I'd love to sleep because I am so tired but when I lie down I start coughing again.
If you're feeling real down this holiday season and looking around for positives to brighten your mood, here's a potential addition: not having to vacuum up a GATDANG WINTER COAT'S WORTH of your own body hair every two weeks.
#cavemunproblems -
All the security on job application sites.
Is there a rash of people going around and applying for jobs on other people's behalf? Is that a problem people have been having?
(Yes I know it's because of all the personal information still annoying.)
I appreciate that I found a free clinic that's helping me take care of stuff (and can give me my meds free).
I don't appreciate hearing that the reason I never heard back on the x-ray for my knee (that I DID have to pay for, out of pocket) was because 'everything was normal.'
This is the problem with everything being telehealth right now.
One look at my knee and you'd know it's not normal.
It's swollen to the size of a grapefruit.
I struggle to walk.
The pain keeps me up at night.
I have been doing the elevation, ice, etc. since APRIL.Something is, in fact, very wrong with my knee and I guess I just have to wait until insurance for my new job kicks in.
I go back to work tomorrow, and I am incredibly anxious about it. I don't want to get sick again. I'm not 100% better, and instead of giving me a light shift my boss gave me a 10hr shift to go back to, and I honestly don't think I'll make that.
I haven't been sleeping, but it isn't been a productive non-sleeping. It's been an anxious, upset, mostly walking my puppy unsleeping.
I'm sick of having to have an opinion on things. I don't need to have an opinion on fuckedupcountry#12119 or have my human card revoked. I have the emotional capacity to care for about a hundred people, anything more and it's abstract.
Yes, fuckedupsituation is very bad and something must be done. I'm a broke history teacher ten thousand miles away, the fuck am I going to do about it?
Why do I need to constantly talk about a thing, or have an opinion on a thing, or dedicate time out of my life to care about a thing I can't change?
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I have the emotional capacity to care for about a hundred people, anything more and it's abstract.
Dunbar's Number dude. That shit is real.
It should not take 1.5 hours to consider a fucking application for a zoning change, what the fuck.
This is why reasonable professionals do not get involved in this shit, I guess.
What a fucking waste of time; I'm drinking now, thank you remote meeting.
(Edit: I'm two bourbons in now.)
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
This is why reasonable professionals do not get involved in this shit, I guess
looks at his Fire and Building Safety Commission meeting tomorrow...
It only took 1.5 hours for a zoning change? Damn. Here that's dozens of hours of prep time with a Planner and a public hearing or two. Then it's probably going to get appealed by one of the neighbors, so more hearings.
motherfucking 1.5 hours talking about an airport re-zoning like wtf why?
@ominous said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It only took 1.5 hours for a zoning change?
This is for the vote only. All the work has been done. This is just the ol' public hearing and vote bullshit and I just so love people talking about property values as if I or anyone else who practices in real property law give a shit what you think about your property values.
Going over the same damn plans with the same damn vacant-headed motherfuckers every damn month.
Fucking read the staff report and maps, motherfuckers. Fucking read it. Stop listening to people who don't know shit.