Mar 18, 2020, 5:46 PM

I am an extrovert (maybe an introverted extrovert since I also need some alone time to recharge).

Being household quarantined due to suspected case/presumed positive, all the worry associated with that, plus feeling a ton of guilt from either bringing this home to my family from my job (high risk for contamination and we have clients who constantly visited family members in the ground zero nursing care facility and who live in other assisted living that have had confirmed exposure) OR putting our many elderly clients at risk because my kid picked it somewhere else and maybe I could have carried it.

Between not getting to chat with people, dealing with worry, feeling under the weather myself, ect I feel like I'm just falling into a hole if depression and though you would think it would boost my ability/desire to log in and play, I find myself feeling very fragile so I do not. And then I feel like I am letting everyone down there and isolating myself too.

I am hoping a planned thing in a couple of days will lift my spirits.

Hope everyone is staying as safe as you can.