Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Various peeves have turned me into a grump.
I just want to scream in a forest somewhere. Then, take a nap.
Yes I think often about fleeing into the forest.
If I bought something in the kitchen - don't fucking eat it and not replace it. Fucking sweet baby cheezits.
I swear by all that is holy and all that is profane, it is going to take every ounce of willpower that I have not to straight up murder my teammates for an MBA project.
Being as I majored in English for undergrad and literally just accepted a job whose business jargon title translates into "I'm going to write change communications for tech bros who speak beep-boop fluently but don't know when to use capital letters", I volunteered to act as editor and proofreader for everyone else in the group.
After reviewing, editing, and standardizing the entire piece, I uploaded it only to discover....
Two of my teammates just straight up copied shit from the internet. Not even a sentence. I mean entire paragraphs slightly adjusted with the liberal use of a thesaurus.
You had to write all of three paragraphs each. That's it! You had a whole week to do it! It didn't even need to be written well. It just needed to either not be copied or have links dumped into the appropriate areas so I could create the citations for you.
If I hadn't read the SafeAssign originality report, we would all be failing this assignment at the very, very least.
Dear bank that holds the car loan.
I should not have to log out of the app, log into the website and then call your customer service line, to try and be able to fucking pay you the money.
I am on hold, and the rage is growing.
- 11 days later
You know what sucks? PET RESCUES.
I want another parrot.
What I don't want is to have a white upper-middle-class neurotypical straight woman interrogate me and inspect my home to see if I'm a good enough person to have a pet.
@aria said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I swear by all that is holy and all that is profane, it is going to take every ounce of willpower that I have not to straight up murder my teammates for an MBA project.
Being as I majored in English for undergrad and literally just accepted a job whose business jargon title translates into "I'm going to write change communications for tech bros who speak beep-boop fluently but don't know when to use capital letters", I volunteered to act as editor and proofreader for everyone else in the group.
After reviewing, editing, and standardizing the entire piece, I uploaded it only to discover....
Two of my teammates just straight up copied shit from the internet. Not even a sentence. I mean entire paragraphs slightly adjusted with the liberal use of a thesaurus.
You had to write all of three paragraphs each. That's it! You had a whole week to do it! It didn't even need to be written well. It just needed to either not be copied or have links dumped into the appropriate areas so I could create the citations for you.
If I hadn't read the SafeAssign originality report, we would all be failing this assignment at the very, very least.
What did I say two weeks ago, guys? What did I say?!
@il-volpe And they wonder why people just go get pets off of craigslist.
@jibberthehut Craigslist is a pit of madness -- there's this bird listed who looks perfect but the only contact is craigslist hidden email thing, and no answer. So I put a Re: parrot hey check your junk? post up and get somebody else telling me not to contact, it's a scam, and a couple minutes later their own little free-form adoption application.
@il-volpe Years ago, I was trying to get a rescue dog for my grandmother, and I really wanted someone who wouldn't shed. I found this sweet little guy on a rescue site and filled out a lengthy form on behalf of my parents (who my grandmother lived with) and did all of the footwork with them.
The first time the rescue lady called me, she was all, "How many hours a day will the dog have someone at home with him?" And I replied dryly, "Twenty-three out of twenty-four. My grandmother is home all the time." And she said, "Oh, that's good for the dog!" And I said, "Yeah, it's good for the grandmother, too." I also had to explain to her more than twice that my grandmother lived with my parents, and my parents would keep the dog if something happened to her.
My mother rolled her eyes when they demanded a home visit, and I had to come by with my dog to make sure the new dog would not object to a visiting dog. It was a shenanigan. All of it. My parents adopted the dog. As loyal as he was to my grandmother, he's still my dad's doggo. In fact, at this point, he's been Dad's dog longer than he kept an eye on Grandma.
@il-volpe said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
You know what sucks? PET RESCUES.
I want another parrot.
What I don't want is to have a white upper-middle-class neurotypical straight woman interrogate me and inspect my home to see if I'm a good enough person to have a pet.
I dunno, man. I want to be on your side, but I've seen far too many abused animals (used to work for a vet during college) and I definitely see the desire to make sure the pet isn't going to be treated super goddamn poorly.
Adopting a pet should be more like adopting a child than just buying a toaster.
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Adopting a pet should be more like adopting a child than just buying a toaster.
Having seen a lot of abuse cases involving adopted children, some people should really just be relegated to buying toasters.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Adopting a pet should be more like adopting a child than just buying a toaster.
Having seen a lot of abuse cases involving adopted children, some people should really just be relegated to buying toasters.
Amen. The same can be said for having children.
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Adopting a pet should be more like adopting a child than just buying a toaster.
Having seen a lot of abuse cases involving adopted children, some people should really just be relegated to buying toasters.
Amen. The same can be said for having children.
I have always been an advocate for a license to procreate, but my colleagues give me horrified expressions and lectures on human rights and state intrusions and how horrible it would be for minorities.
And yet... I dunno man. Still tempting. You want it because people suck, but you can't have it because people suck.
@derp I have, though usually jokingly, also suggested such things.
But it's one of those problems that's hard to enforce without stomping all over people's liberties and such.
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
You want it because people suck, but you can't have it because people suck.
Exactly so.
Yeah. There's due diligence when adopting out a pet, or dare I say it, selling an animal, and then there's the rescue business where you're all 'shit better hide the dildos, the judge is comin' to see if I was lyin' about having the chops to own a cockatiel,' and wonder why all the volunteers and all the 'adoption success stories' on the website are white ladies of around the same age and haircut.
@il-volpe said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
and wonder why all the volunteers and all the 'adoption success stories' on the website are white ladies of around the same age and haircut.
They're the ones that don't have to work, is my guess.
Calling in sick for an accommodated day due to a physical disability I will always have should not require me to call my boss, apply for state pmla for the single day, call into the 'professional services' that have both sent me a letter I am eligible for accommodation days but also told me that I'm not approved for accommodation days, and also wait for a specialist to call me back in 2 business days to let me know if I missed any steps in the approval process. FFS, they make this whole process confusing to complete on a day I'm already missing due to my inability to function on a normal human level. UGH. Can I please just not get fired for a lifelong fucking illness...
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
They're the ones that don't have to work, is my guess.
They're the ones whose family don't have the guts to make them work.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
They're the ones that don't have to work, is my guess.
They're the ones whose family don't have the guts to make them work.
Honey, I wouldn't work if I didn't have to. No amount of force in the universe outside of starvation and homelessness could keep me working this hard.