@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It is almost noon and it is -5. Why is it so cold? This is crazy.
It's just past noon, the time I take my daily walk at work, which I did with a wind chill of -21C.
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It is almost noon and it is -5. Why is it so cold? This is crazy.
It's just past noon, the time I take my daily walk at work, which I did with a wind chill of -21C.
@arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It is almost noon and it is -5. Why is it so cold? This is crazy.
It's just past noon, the time I take my daily walk at work, which I did with a wind chill of -21C.
-21C is -5F, so the same temperature.
Also -- you're insane! I took my dog to get his vaccination boosters today and had to pick him up and carry him to the damn car because he didn't wanna go out. And he's not a small dog! Why would you deliberately walk in that, crazy man?
@derp Two days ago it was -28. Compared to that it felt warm.
Human beings are weird. Also I like to walk.
This is one of those times I'm grateful we have indoor-only cats.
This may make them lazier-than-average slackers even when it comes to cats, but hearing my parents, next door, out at 2am in this weather, yowling for their cats to come inside -- while their cats, naturally, "I DUNNO WHICH SIDE OF THE DOOR TO BE ON THIS DECISION IS IMPOSSIBLE HOW COULD YOU EVER FORCE ME TO CHOOSE?!" the shit out of things for a handful of minutes, as cats do -- makes me super proud of my lazy, purring bastards for being content to remain indoors.
So Wednesday I'm getting a fourth cat. Because one of my dear friends got a pig, and the pig has upset this one cat's reality to the point that it is shitting everywhere and miserable. And none of their friends would take the cat, and they were going to take her to the ASPCA and it's a really nice tuxedo cat and black cats don't do terribly well at the SPCA anyway and it's fucking freezing so she will die if she has to be an outside cat too.
I don't even like cats, y'all. I don't dislike them, but I don't actively like them.
@darinelle said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I don't even like cats, y'all. I don't dislike them, but I don't actively like them.
My dad disliked cats until our first family cat showed up and adopted us. MAYBE YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE!
@roz said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@darinelle said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I don't even like cats, y'all. I don't dislike them, but I don't actively like them.
My dad disliked cats until our first family cat showed up and adopted us. MAYBE YOU WILL FALL IN LOVE!
I have 3 already. I also have 2 Australian Shepherds who have my cats herded into what we politely call "The Cat Room" where two of our cats literally never leave unless the dogs are gone for some reason. I can't get them to stop trying to herd and chase the cats. They don't live in harmony. I don't need a 4th cat, for any reason. The cats we had now are like... 18, 5, and 5 - the idea was that we would stop having cats after these were gone. And here I am, getting a 4th cat of indeterminate age who will be around forever. S I G H.
@darinelle said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
it's a really nice tuxedo cat
I tuxedo cats.
But, taking a cat in who needs it is awesome.
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@darinelle said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
it's a really nice tuxedo cat
tuxedo cats.
Fighting evil by moonlight?
I live in Florida.
We are expecting /SNOW/ tonight.
I moved to Florida because I /HATE/ snow.
@darinelle said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
So Wednesday I'm getting a fourth cat. Because one of my dear friends got a pig, and the pig has upset this one cat's reality to the point that it is shitting everywhere and miserable.
This makes me so fucking angry, really.
I like cats. A lot. I'd love to have another one, but my current cat, Gay Edward, is deathly afraid of other creatures. I understand why he's frightened of my kids -- they are grabby and loud -- but he's also scared of mice, bugs, and non-moving action figures.
Like, who the fuck knowingly injects a brand new animal into a territorial creature's space? An asshole, that's who.
I'm sure your dear friend is really nice, but goddammit if this doesn't make me angry. If it could turn a profit, I'd be a cat advocate -- CatLawyerBot.
@ganymede We recently (4 months?) ago we got Roo, our second rescue cat to keep Gus company - our slightly older cat who's a complete sweetheart.
We also have two dogs. One of them, Daphne, gets really excited at the sight of new animals (and people, and... everything) but she's not aggressive about it, and gets over it when she gets to lick them to death for a while a couple of times.
The problem is Daphne runs over at top speed making these weird gurgling excited noises that scare the shit out of Roo, who has no idea all he fucking has to do is sit still for a minute, let her sniff him out, and she'll forget he's even there. So he runs away - every time. So Daphne gets even more excited because this is a fun game - every time.
We thought they'd get over it in a couple of weeks, and I tried to socialize them by craddling Roo, bringing him up so Daphne could lick him at her own pace while I petted him... but although the fucker sits and lets her when he has to, I guess in some twisted way he enjoys that game too, so every single time he gets into the living room and Daphne sees him he gets chased back downstairs. Every time. Several times a day. For months now.
Eh, fuck him. He has food, two beds and a play area down there (Daphne's too old to go down the stairs so he's 'safe' in the basement).
It's a weird situation because they also have two new foster girls. And I suspect that with 2 girls, plus the pig - this one cat is just at her limit.
I don't know how it's going to work at my house because my idiot Australian Shepherds herd the cats into the cat room, and get SUPER AGITATED when the cats are not in Acceptable Cat Areas, those areas being A) The cat room, or B) the cat tree/my desk.
So we're getting a fourth cat, and a spray bottle to try to startle the damn dogs into leaving the cats alone, and another litter box so it stays cleaner, and another cat warming pad so there's enough room for everyone. And we are going to hope this works, because if not then I'm going to have to find a home for a cat who really really likes me. (I'm one of the -two- people she actively looks for when my friend has visitors)
@lithium said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I live in Florida.
We are expecting /SNOW/ tonight.
I moved to Florida because I /HATE/ snow.
I'm also in Florida, presumably on the other side of the state, because we're just expecting our day of cold rain to turn into ice. ICE. I did not move to FL from DC for ICE!! I could've stayed north if I wanted that.
@ganymede said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@darinelle said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
So Wednesday I'm getting a fourth cat. Because one of my dear friends got a pig, and the pig has upset this one cat's reality to the point that it is shitting everywhere and miserable.
This makes me so fucking angry, really.
I like cats. A lot. I'd love to have another one, but my current cat, Gay Edward, is deathly afraid of other creatures. I understand why he's frightened of my kids -- they are grabby and loud -- but he's also scared of mice, bugs, and non-moving action figures.
Your cat sounds like mine. I keep a running list of things that freak her out. Most recently, it was the hardware I was using to assemble some shelves last night. Not the shelves, just the little screws and cams and stuff.
Fuck this cold front. Heating pad, long underwear, and foot warmers inside the goddamn house.
My computer room is above the non-insulated/outside the central air/heat garage, so it is always about 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house in the winter.
The bedroom, by contrast, is so warm it's night shirt OR blanket, either of which to be thrown aside after an hour.
Dear house: make up your damn fool mind.
@derp said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
It is almost noon and it is -5. Why is it so cold? This is crazy.
Burn moar coal!
@lisse24 That or you are just a bit more south of me to get only ice. We're getting rain mixed with snow (Because Floridians have never /heard/ of the word 'sleet' before) and actual snow, that might actually stick. Wouldn't that be something...