I've had some sort of stomach bug flu thing since Saturday (either that or some RL shit I'm dealing with has made me feel like I do) and yesterday I got into work and my boss asked me to proofread an email he had to send out.
An email announcing that they were cutting hours by 30%, project-wide.
"But I'm hoping not to cut yours at all!" He assured me.
My team, however, with their families and such, aren't in similar boats. And the "you can find spots on other projects!" isn't really a consolation when it'd be a $2-3/hour cut. So I spoke to the HR guy. He was already going to be talking to upper management about ensuring local / in office people can work those other projects and get the pay bump (to at least $12/hour). I tried to press how much it's needed.
I mean, the downside is there's less flexibility (work from home is work any time. Work from office is work when the office is open and it closes at 8p CST mostly because they couldn't talk me into being there later), but I'm doing what I can.
Why are they cutting hours? Oh because they pushed everyone to work harder and solve more tickets per hour. We did. So there's fewer tickets in queue and the client decided they don't need as many people working. So basically, we're being punished for doing a good job. I expressed worry this would happen. Repeatedly. For the past couple weeks. I was told there was no way it would.
I wish I could quit and not end up homeless. It's a bad sign when your job reaches "makes you physically ill with stress"