Mar 22, 2019, 12:20 AM

I did not get the job. I mean, the up side is it came down to me and one other person, so... They liked me enough for that. Just not enough to... give me the job. I don't know if that means I'm closer to finding one or not.

Well, a good one at least.

I have an offer for one that... doesn't pay enough. It'll put me into couch surfing within the next few weeks, but paying enough to store the important things in a storage unit and pay my car payments. And not have any benefits. So off all my meds. Some of which are... vitally important. So I'm torn between 'grateful to have a job' and... upset that I'll be too busy to really dedicate time to hunting for a job that provides the money and benefits I actually need to survive.

But I'd be employed, so would I really even be allowed to be upset?