@Ganymede Uhhhh no it's not for a trivia night team or anything. It's for a team name/logo on a web portal that only we have access to. Nothing client or executive facing.
A little background.
My IT job is 50% project manager, 50% IT Operations Scripting/changes to environments. (So, 100% kitten herder). A lot of what we do is identifying the proper order of operations for IT stuff, and the end result is like surgery or auto repair.
(If you asked someone to make you a plan for washing the dog, you'd be amazed how many people don't include a find a dog to wash step and instead go straight to "fill the tub with water".)
So our current team logo is a logo with a cartoon dog, duck, and a sack of corn. She hates it. So she's asking us all have fun working on a new team logo/private name idea, but I dont think she was expecting stuff like los vaqueros satánicos (The Satanic Cowboys, baaaaybeee).
Oh, the dog, duck, corn is in reference to that non-linear thinking exercise where you have to get all three to the other side of a river, but only have room in the boat for 1 at a time. It's a euphemism for what we do.
@Alamias Hah. I do like my team. Oddly enough, there are definite drawbacks to being in IT and having a non-technical manager, but I love the difference in perspective she has. She's a great presence to offset all of this nerdiness, alcoholism, and testosterone.
And, if you do get a job here (not saying), it would be immediately clear by this description that I'm your coworker. Or...it would be the moment the tattoo guy wheels over and says something like: "You know, when you think about it, Aliens was a story about a mother just tryna feed her damn kids and keep them safe."