Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@tinuviel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@sunny We keep getting told we're at the 9th mile, but I swear I've seen that shrub before. Am I running in a circle? It feels like I'm running in a circle. But we're still at the 9th mile.
Keep running! You're almost there!
Finally got a hold of the leasing agent: "So you want to do the studio? Ok, let me make a call". <Ten minutes of silence> "Ok I need to walk this apartment I was just given, I'll call you right back after I walk it."
Two hours later:
Eta: Meanwhile, after work yesterday I viewed an apartment where the bath tub looked like this:
I'm almost desperate enough to accept it. Except just being in the building for 15 minutes made my nose and throat itch.
@cobalt said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Except just being in the building for 15 minutes made my nose and throat itch.
Ew, no.
@lemon-fox Yeah, that and the bath tub are a hard pass. It was pretty big considering it's going to just be me, a cat, and a dog. And it was all hard wood floor, which I prefer with pets. But, I need to be able to feel clean for my mental health...
Blech, that's... no. I would feel ashamed to leave a rental property in that condition, nevermind to show one in that condition.
@cobalt YAY!!
@cobalt said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Awesome! Any photos to share, or would you rather not share photos of your home to a bunch of randos?
Just please say it has a better tub
Could we maybe tone it down just a touch with the shitty apartment shaming? I know that the tub's not super appealing but like, grimy apartments are a reality a lot of us poors just gotta suck it up and deal with, and it's embarrassing enough.
ETA: Just to be super clear, I did mean shitty apartment shaming, not that the shaming itself is inherently shitty. Don't want anyone to read that as waaaay more hostile than I intended.
Yeah, I’ve lived in that sort of apartment before. I think we all have.
What is important is that Cobalt has found a place.
Exactly! Awesome, dealing with the horrible agent is over, new place yays! Just less "oh god, how could someone live with that?!" please, when, y'know, plenty of us live with that to one degree or another and it kinda hurts the feels to imagine you'd be gagging and revolted if you ever came to visit.
@wizz said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Could we maybe tone it down just a touch with the shitty apartment shaming? I know that the tub's not super appealing but like, grimy apartments are a reality a lot of us poors just gotta suck it up and deal with, and it's embarrassing enough.
ETA: Just to be super clear, I did mean shitty apartment shaming, not that the shaming itself is inherently shitty. Don't want anyone to read that as waaaay more hostile than I intended.
Yeah, I didn't intend to make anyone feel bad. As @Ganymede, I too have lived in places like this. When I was in high school I lived in a place that didn't even have its own bathroom and I had to go out of the apartment to a shared shower with neighbors.
Because of my personal trauma I cannot handle living in a place where the tub looks damaged, or rusty, etc. When I said I need to be able to feel clean, I mean it.
There's no shame in having to live in an older, and not pristine place, it's a reality of life.
And, yes, @GreenFlashlight, when I get onto my PC later tonight. I'll happily share some photos I took. I'm incredibly happy with the place. It's not as "fancy" as the place I currently live (no community pool, etc), but power, water, sewer, and garbage is all included.
Most importantly: Congrats!
- 8 days later
These fuckwits who claim superior understanding of economics and yet also insist that certain jobs are designed for high school students.
@il-volpe said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
These fuckwits who claim superior understanding of economics and yet also insist that certain jobs are designed for high school students.
The ones who absolutely would exploit child labor for zero wages if they could?
@il-volpe said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
These fuckwits who claim superior understanding of economics and yet also insist that certain jobs are designed for high school students.
I mean, it depends what you mean by designed.
I intend to make sure my kids are employed in drudgery to see whether it motivates them to gain skills to avoid it in the future.
But if they like that work, great! Maybe they'll be a chef.
A friend of mine worked in a Sonic kitchen for a few years; moved up to management; and now makes a fairly decent wage.
Another friend worked at McDicks, hated it, and moved on to cell phones and shit where he makes bank. I am very proud of both of them.
I've worked drudgery and I think it helped me empathize with those who work in the industry.
At least, I'm not a fucking Karen/Ken-tleman.
This back to normal shit is happening too fast.
I can't just flip a switch and suddenly be okay in a sea of coworkers, vaccinated or no. My brain has immediately gone into fight or flight, and even though I am only working one day per week on site at the moment, it's enough to stress me out for much of the week.
Then, of course, is the news that that's changing from 1 to 3 in the near future, despite being assured it wouldn't ever be more than 2 going forward.
Fuck the technologically illiterate CEOs that make these choices about how and where I can best do my job, and thanks for all the scrambling that's only left me more scattered and overeager to get Xanax into my bloodstream so my body stops feeling like my chest is caving in.
Sure love that. Keeps me closer to 'the mission.'
That's because practically everyone has experienced a serious trauma event, and capital is doing its level best to pretend that everyone is fine. You aren't alone.
There's this cartoon I really like, the Owl House. The second season is coming out in a couple of weeks, but Disney did some kind of promo thing where a small number of people could request free tickets to see the first two episodes in advance. I guess that event must have already happened, because my YouTube feed is full of videos spoiling shit. Like, you don't even need to watch the vids, you get spoiled just by the thumbnail and/or title.
This is a very minor peeve. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it. It just pisses me off that people who call themselves fans would be this devoted to ruining the experience for other fans.