Wow, I have been reading and discussing comics since the late seventies (my older cousins taught me to read with them before kindergarten because it was the easiest way to keep me occupied while baby sitting) and that chick has the stupidest comic based stance I have ever seen.
Trust me I read a shit tonne of 80s indies and yeah some of them were hard as shit to make out because of bad lettering, hand lettering doesn't somehow make your art purer though done wrong it can sure as shit make it impossible to read and enjoy.
Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
Wow, I have been reading and discussing comics since the late seventies (my older cousins taught me to read with them before kindergarten because it was the easiest way to keep me occupied while baby sitting) and that chick has the stupidest comic based stance I have ever seen.
Trust me I read a shit tonne of 80s indies and yeah some of them were hard as shit to make out because of bad lettering, hand lettering doesn't somehow make your art purer though done wrong it can sure as shit make it impossible to read and enjoy. -
@thatguythere said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Wow, I have been reading and discussing comics since the late seventies (my older cousins taught me to read with them before kindergarten because it was the easiest way to keep me occupied while baby sitting) and that chick has the stupidest comic based stance I have ever seen.
Trust me I read a shit tonne of 80s indies and yeah some of them were hard as shit to make out because of bad lettering, hand lettering doesn't somehow make your art purer though done wrong it can sure as shit make it impossible to read and enjoy.It's also disparaging to so many in the indie industry.
Indie comics are an industry. They get just as much (almost more) shelf space than the "big two" (Marvel & DC) now. They are given the respect of those two. Making your own is legit, sure, but even webcomics use digital means to letter their comics now. It's cleaner, it's more legible, and if people can't read your comic, they aren't going to bother.
I love hand lettering. Facts: there's only about 7? remaining 'master hand letterers' in the world. This isn't a comics thing, these are people who are such masters of hand lettering (such as signs, calligraphy, etc.) so as to be considered masters of the craft. It is wildly hard stuff.
There is a reason it was just as separate a role back in the day as line artist, colorist, inker (which, btw, is no longer even a role in comics). Letterer? Now often done by the writer, which is why I had to learn it in class.
But many of these so-called indie artists use letterers. But, y'know, these are the ones being bound and sold on store shelves. Not making black-and-white zines.
But y'know what? This was one of the very first panels I worked on in my assignment for class. I think it came out looking great for my first attempt ever:
So she can fuss all she wants. I'm gonna, once I have free time again, find some artists who have offered up pages (there's some out there) to work on to build a portfolio and try to find work to do to make extra money.
Other people won't be so fucking snobby.
@auspice I can't imagine inking not being a thing anymore. So many artists are fucking /sloppy/ with their pencils...
@lithium said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice I can't imagine inking not being a thing anymore. So many artists are fucking /sloppy/ with their pencils...
It's pretty much all digital. So while an artist may draw it in pencil, it's scanned over and gone over digitally. Yes, some artists do their own inking still, but I'm talking professional industry side. By and far it's just not the chain anymore (penciller, inker, colorist, etc...). Colorist you still see, yes, but the art level (pencils / line art) is pretty much one and the same person now. When DC, Marvel, etc.. look for an artist, they expect that person to be start to finish.
@auspice That's fair I suppose, I do all my line art digitally too.
@lithium said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice That's fair I suppose, I do all my line art digitally too.
tbh if I could afford a tablet, I'd probably do more art. The last time I had one (a cheap Wacom years ago), I actually loved working with it. Somehow I 'connected' better with working digitally than I do physical tools. It might be that ease of fixing mistakes, maybe? I'm not sure.
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
tbh if I could afford a tablet, I'd probably do more art. The last time I had one (a cheap Wacom years ago), I actually loved working with it. Somehow I 'connected' better with working digitally than I do physical tools. It might be that ease of fixing mistakes, maybe? I'm not sure.
Try a Huion. Much cheaper, and the quality of the one I have rivals the old Wacom Bamboo.
@nightshade said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@auspice said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
tbh if I could afford a tablet, I'd probably do more art. The last time I had one (a cheap Wacom years ago), I actually loved working with it. Somehow I 'connected' better with working digitally than I do physical tools. It might be that ease of fixing mistakes, maybe? I'm not sure.
Try a Huion. Much cheaper, and the quality of the one I have rivals the old Wacom Bamboo.
I mean, I can't really afford any new hobby (time / money) right now anyway.
@auspice I figured it's good to share the info anyway.
I thought it'd be a significant downgrade in quality from the Bamboo, but was pleasantly surprised. (It's actually quite a lot better, and has higher pressure sensitivity.)
Can second the inker thing. Friend of the family worked for Marvel and DC as a stringer doing pencils or inks for folks from time to time back when, and so on, as a 'we need somebody to fill in for a few pages to make deadline' kinda guy.
I hate when people's voices IRL make me feel ill. I get that from time to time. I don't know if it's some sort of synesthesia (I also see pain as hospital green, because of a long time in the hospital as a baby, but I don't see numbers as colors or anything). This guy's voice at the coffeeshop table behind me is starting to make me feel nauseated. I'm already sick, but for whatever reason, it's like little jabs at the back of my neck and into my stomach.
Tell me I'm not the only person this happens to, please. It even happens to me when I'm not sick. Misophonia? I don't know. I'm not on the spectrum or anything like that, so it isn't that.
"It is unlikely that your pain is caused by X, so we are going to act like it's impossible."
I hate managed care with a firey, burning passion right now.
@sunny Yeah. Or the flipside - a friend of mine who's pretty athletic went to the doctor last week.
"When I play soccer I feel a pain in my knee."
"You could stop playing soccer."... Wtf.
I got a car door in the face when I was putting my stuff in this morning to come to work. Bleeding on the commute is just great.
@arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
I got a car door in the face when I was putting my stuff in this morning to come to work. Bleeding on the commute is just great.
Walk it off, champ.
(I'm sorry you had a crappy commute)
Snowed in with my mother in law. Flights home cancelled.
@jinshei said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Snowed in with my mother in law. Flights home cancelled.