Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.
@Ghost you mean...
So I would really like to eat without feeling like someone is punching me in the stomach. Thanks much.
My boss is Greek, which is irrelevant. More importantly, he is 'not racist, but'.
Sidebar: 'Not racist, but' should be a thing. Is it a meme? It should be a meme. I'm going to make it a meme. One second:
Right, back to my boss.
He is a Holocaust denier. He agrees that it happened, in some form, but cites wackjob conspiracy websites that say things like 'gas chambers wouldn't have actually worked like that'. It blows my mind really, that people can have not just these opinions, but also the gall to say them out loud.
And for the record, lest anyone be confused:
Almost any sentence that begins "I'm 'not racist, but'..." is probably fucking RACIST.
@Pandora @my mother
@Pandora said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Almost any sentence that begins "I'm 'not racist, but'..." is probably fucking RACIST.
Yep. Just like anyone who says "it's not the money, it's the principle"... it's the money.
Holocost Deniers remind me of the Ham/Nye debate on Creationism wherein Hambone said we can’t prove the world wasn’t created because we weren’t there to see it develop.
To these people:
First of all: We don’t need to see things to prove they happened.
Second of all: Fuck you.
(Thirdly, Wilder was a force for good in fighting racism, but that’s still a damn nice image to choose.)
@Arkandel said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
Yep. Just like anyone who says "it's not the money, it's the principle"... it's the money.
It's not always bad.
Act I, Scene III
Client: Should I go forward?
Me: Well, it's going to cost you a whole lot of money, like, $25,000, probably, and you're looking to recover around $1,000. Economically-speaking, it would be extremely unwise to proceed.
Client: I want to sue them and pay you the money. It's not about the money; it's about the principle. Don't fuck with me.
Me: (eyes lighting up) Yes, sir. (stage whisper) Winner, winner, chicken dinner.FIN
I'm about to go slash some motherfuckin' tires.
The truck is back. And his alarm has been going off non-stop for the past hour. Oh, sure, he presses the button to turn it off every few minutes.
Then it goes off again.On a Ford that has to be from the mid-90s and is rusted all to hell.
I'm thinking about getting an alarm system for my rusty car.
Someone crawled under it while it was in the car-port one night and removed my catalytic converter. Yes, this really happened.
Why my rusty car?
You wouldn't expect it to have an alarm system, now, would you.
That doesn't excuse the guy for being a public nuisance (a ticketable offense in many areas, incidentally), but I understand the desire.
Considering all the other vehicles likely to have converters to pull...
Fuck 'im.
His truck is prone to fits of this every few weeks. Sometimes in the middle of the night. He used to park it directly outside my window until I began leaving notes on it daily and even called the cops on him once. Because being woken up at 5am by an alarm going off is really. damn. annoying.
Your alarm does not need to be so sensitive that every single car going by on the road sets it off. That's just goddamn overkill.
I'm all for calling the cops on something that is disrupting the ability for people to work or live (which I hinted at before).
I was just also complaining that someone cut my catalytic converter out of my goddamn car.
@Auspice I could start a gofundme for "The other Ghost hanging around in Texas" tour.
Taco Bell.
Dave & Busters. -
@Ghost said in Real World Peeves, Disgruntlement, and Irks.:
@Auspice I could start a gofundme for "The other Ghost hanging around in Texas" tour.
Taco Bell.
Dave & Busters.Taco Bell.
When there's like, a bajillion other better taco options?wtf is your malfunction.
Me:[taking orders in a drive-through because that's how life is sometimes]
Customer:[rolls up to the speaker, doesn't even wait a beat] Hello? Hellllooo?! HE--
Me: HI. How can I help you?
Customer: Yeah, give me just a minute.
Thanks! I hate it.
@dev My life for five years. I do not wish that fate on anybody.
@Tinuviel I can see the value in working customer service, really. I was a shrinking violet when I started, and not in a cute way. I've learned to manage time, multi-task, and collaborate effectively with others to expedite a process with several variables all vying to put a hammer in the works. I have heard it said before and I'm in fervent agreement with it: if teens all had this sort of job after finishing high school, even if only for half a year, they'd be better for it.
That said, it really does suck.
The majority of customers are moronic, feel themselves entitled, and don't know what they want and so expect us to know for them. It is what it is.
I honestly feel like everyone in the US should be required to spend a certain amount of time in some customer service job, be it retail, food service, or a call center (since not everyone can physically handle retail/food service as those are more physically demanding). Just some job that makes them serve the public and interact with the public. I think it'd reeeeeeally change peoples' perceptions and interactions with the world at large quite a bit.