My boss fucking abuses power.
He's a slob as I've mentioned before. He's made our newest hire clean up after him.
Now he's going to have the person working Saturday put down the carpet tiles that we got in for the new room we moved into.
None of this is shit we should be doing. The first is shit he should do himself. We clean up after ourselves and as a team in general (we get pizza for the team? we clean as a team) and the second is something the office should hire someone to do, not add on to someone's tasks. But he will laugh and joke all 'Hey, it'll be slow anyway, so you might as well have something to do.'
No, that's not how shit works.
And when I approached him again about my need to move to full-time on this project (since my other one is ending at the end of this month), his answer was 'You said you didn't want to.' No I fucking didn't. We had a long talk about how I NEED the hours and PLEASE talk to R (client manager) about getting me those hours.
I made fucking sure I confronted him while a Sr. Project Manager was present so that he couldn't pull his bullshit 'No you never said that' shit. This man lies. And lies. And lies. And never takes responsibility. (Every time we confront him on something -- "You didn't tell me about..." "You keep forgetting to check the team chat..." etc -- it's "No I didn't." "No I don't." "I told you last week!" even if other teammates back us up.)
He's started trying to turn the team against each other because we have all been united against him.
Me and the other woman on the team get along great and because our shifts almost never overlap, we rarely see each other.
He began a rumor that she doesn't like me and constantly complains about me, which completely blindsided me because before our schedules were more divided, we had gotten along fantastic! We both love to bake, we knit, we're kinda nerdy, etc... so it was sort of painful to hear! I was a little anxious the next I saw her, but she was completely cool and we now (office got shuffled around a bit) have desks next to each other and we're getting along great (when we see each other)...
...and I realize he was just trying to get us ("cuz women") to snipe at each other.
I'm getting fucking sick of it. I'm about to go into full plotting gear to walk him into a trap with the client so the client wants to fire him because I know my company is hesitant af to fire anyone. Ever. But if a client says they want someone gone? That person is gone in a heartbeat.