@saturna Well that is remarkably creepy! Literally a cat's eye view.
@packrat the picture was amazing, though! Such a cute kitty.
@packrat Gorgeous eyes!
Can I offer you a dog' eye view of the TV? Our new puppy likes to watch the TV
@cupcake doin a heckin zoom
@kanye-qwest he do like to zoom
My Ike has arthritis, I am almost certain.
She's been overbathing her hind quarters (which is not something she's ever done before), but she's shown no other signs of stress. There haven't been any changes lately (so no situational stressors) and she otherwise behaves just fine. She eats fine, plays with me and AJ...
but the other day she couldn't jump most of the day. She missed her usual jumps to the bathroom sink (she likes to drink from it), she couldn't jump into my lap. She prefers napping on the memory foam bathroom mat.
She's starting to get into 'older kitty' status (she's 9, so just on the cusp) and arthritis can set in during middle-age years for cats.
Today I set out my electric lap blanket on top of a pillow and as soon as it warmed up, she laid down on it and hasn't moved. I'm gonna get some cat-rated glucosamine and such (as well as fish oil) when I get paid next. Looks like vet visit would largely just be to confirm status and (if necessary) be for pain pills, but largely they recommend adjusting lifestyle and the glucosamine and fish oil first.
Food bowls and litter box are already accessible. I can setup something to make it easier for her to get into the bed. But she's always been a cat that likes to get up to high places, so... it's gonna partially be on encouraging her to not try to jump on top of the fridge, dresser, etc. so much anymore.
Just makes me sad to see her getting older and dealing with things like this, since she's been with me since the day before her eyes opened.
After much back and forth with the shelter and with the humane law officers, and a great deal of deliberating about names, @insomniac7809 and I are delighted to announce the arrival of our first little girl. ('Cause seriously despite having rescued seven other cats and a dog over the years, somehow all our pets have been boys.)
Meet Jane Pawsten.
Kitty Glamour Shot:
Kitty Not-So-Glamour Shot:
And OMG, you guys. She doesn't just have majestic ear tufties. She has toe bean tufties. And they are amazing.
Back when I was going through chemo, my service dog would glue herself to my side for about three full days following my infusion, only getting up from my bed to potty and eat. She'd bring her toy over and insist I hold it while she chewed on it, and would watch me very intently for any sign of trouble.
We couldn't bring her to the clinic itself because she would get very upset that she could not go comfort every person receiving treatment (because they were immunocompromised) and would mope heavily afterwards.
When I am alone at home she reverts to this behavior. But normally she hates to lie down and will play for hours and hours, and is extremely hyperactive. Anyway, she's supercute. Someone the other day leaned over to pet her and then recoiled, exclaiming, 'She's got human eyes!' And the folks at the korean BBQ down the street all want to pet her and glomp her every time we go.
We trained her ourselves, having been given her as a puppy when she was weaned at 6 weeks old.
@aria OMG D'AWW. What a darlin'! Toe tufties are a joy.
Hera has very floofy little paws. Also she Judges you.
Handsome fella
We had to leave her with my mother for one night. The next day, I wasn't able to move for having a pup next to me. This is her "helping" me study...
She grew out of her warm coat, so we bought a bright one to be able to see her out on the fields at night..
@kanye-qwest we regularly debate painting the other on! At the moment I feel she is carrying off the "I was the person who fell asleep at the party and they shaved it off" look...
She is called Harley Quinn. Since all boxers are mad as a box of frogs.
AND SHE DOES SIT AND RECALLS NOW! I am SO proud of that. She is four months now.
@jinshei I feel like she's a prime candidate.