@Too-Old-For-This said in Good or New Movies Review:
They did make The Killing Joke. Just not LA. They made it animated... and it was panned. HARD. They even got Mark Hamill to come out of retirement to voice the Joker for it (the ONLY time he ever said he would)... and they still fucked it up. They focused so much on the lead up story, that the storyline itself was relegated to 20 minutes of 'peekaboo' style animation flashing and a bit of action. I'm not surprised people are hesitant to touch that particular story again.
Did you watch it? I did.
They did not fuck it up. They did try to tack on about 30 minutes of unnecessary character development between Barbara and the Batman. I understood what they were going after, but that doesn't mean it was necessary. But was it bad? No, it wasn't.
No, what you have is a lot of fanboy nonsense, for the most part, regarding the added sequences, and some ornery bullshit about deviating from the source material "too much." Frankly, I enjoyed The Watchmen movie as much as I enjoyed the graphic novel, but I liked the movie's ending more because it is a little more realistic and understandable. Did the fanboys bitch and moan? Oh, you betcha.
So, no. I liked The Killing Joke. It was very good. It just wasn't as "edgy" as The Dark Knight or as 90s-noire was the graphic novel. So what? Hamill and Conroy do just fine, and you'll pardon if I don't need to see suggestive photos of the Joker banging a paralyzed Babs.