@haven I don't do horror movies well but I've enjoyed the game! I don't think they mind you relinquishing your archetype if you decide it's not for you.
Horror MUX - Discussion
@haven I don't do horror movies well but I've enjoyed the game! I don't think they mind you relinquishing your archetype if you decide it's not for you.
@haven I've seen somewhat creepy and I've seen heavy choices. I've not seen anything that scared me, and there definitely is not any gore-soaked edgelord stuff, as @surreality says. The description of a flayed corpse is usually just that.
@skew said in Horror MUX:
heavy choices
^ This. This is really the core of the horror aspect: having to make almost impossible decisions.
Confronting that sort of thing is what sets the game apart in a lot of ways. It isn't the angsty, endlessly bleak hand-wringing of WoD; it's: "You have to make a life or death decision, right now, and if it goes wrong, it's going to go very wrong," in many cases.
I can get a bit nasty - the chest burster alien in our game is a face burster, and I wasn't shy in describing that. But it wasn't Clive Barker level reverential gore described in four paragraphs.
Mostly it's the psychological aspects I play to.
I think I was the only person the faceburster really bothered and that's because of a specific issue I personally have.
However, @Botulism was very kind in giving me an advance warning because she's aware of said issue. So when the scene happened I just glossed over the pose and moved on.
So if you have personal squicky/trigger-y issues, I will say she's fantastic about giving a heads up if it might occur so that you can bow out of a scene or just sort of skim the pose in question.
@surreality said in Horror MUX:
@skew said in Horror MUX:
heavy choices
^ This. This is really the core of the horror aspect: having to make almost impossible decisions.
Confronting that sort of thing is what sets the game apart in a lot of ways. It isn't the angsty, endlessly bleak hand-wringing of WoD; it's: "You have to make a life or death decision, right now, and if it goes wrong, it's going to go very wrong," in many cases.
Maybe it's time a CofD/WoD game played out like that, too.
@coin said in Horror MUX:
Maybe it's time a CofD/WoD game played out like that, too.
I always wanted to play at(or maybe run) a Vampire: Requiem 2E game where the Strix were a serious threat.
@zombiegenesis said in Horror MUX:
@coin said in Horror MUX:
Maybe it's time a CofD/WoD game played out like that, too.
I always wanted to play at(or maybe run) a Vampire: Requiem 2E game where the Strix were a serious threat.
I mean, I closed Eldritch for a lot of reasons, many personal, some not so much, but one of the main ideas was that each "season" would focus on a sphere, and when it came the vampire's turn, the Strix were gonna come out full force.
Some day.
I love you both to death, but please don't WoD in this thread -- I'm kinda sorry I brought it up but it was a relevant comparison for someone curious. WoD theory elsethread? There are definite lessons to be learned from this setup, but please don't WoD gamecraft here specfically?
Sorry, wasn't trying to take part in any sort of inadvertent thread hijack.
In regards to HorrorMU I'm actually on the wiki now looking at available archetypes. I know my schedule is crap for RP but I'd very much like to get in at least on the end of the Aliens stuff.
@zombiegenesis Definitely peek at options -- there are a couple folks very needed still! Check with staff on the game to figure out which are which; I was keeping track but lost track somewhere in the midst of wiki fu yesterday.
- 12 days later
Alien: Mutation ends Sunday (tomorrow!), and the next story in the pipeline is Prosperity's Price, a turn of the century Western set in a boomtown with a dark secret. Monsters, demons, and the Devil Himself await!
As a quick heads-up, new link: http://horrormu.com/index.php/Story:Prosperitys_Price
...wiki hates apostrophes, apparently. But wanted to make sure this was here so the new folks could find it as info fills in more.
- 11 days later
How long in OOC time are the seasons planned to be?
@jeshin said in Horror MUX:
How long in OOC time are the seasons planned to be?
Alien was roughly two months long. I think some will vary depending on what the story is, how things go, how much we all fuck it up in the process. But I think the goal is approximately in that range. It's why it's suggested that those who play be able to be on for at least a scene a week to stay caught up.
@jeshin Two months is the current target that's been mentioned, with some running shorter by design or events as they unfold. Some may end up running longer; it's hard to guess at this point.
What that means in terms of IC time is going to vary a lot, though. The timescale varies significantly. For Isle of Dread and Alien Mutation, the timescale was 2 RL days to 1 IC day.
For Prosperity's Price, it's a bit different:
Week 1 (Starting Tomorrow): June, 1902 (and back scenes)
Week 2: July, 1902
Week 3: August, 1902
Week 4: September, 1902
Week 5: October 1st - October 14th, 1902 (Reaping)
Week 6: October 15th - October 31st, 1902 (Reaping)These are IC dates mentioned, not OOC dates; week one, for instance, is going on right now.
Things will vary depending on what is most appropriate for the story. Sometimes it'll be 2:1, 1:1, or a lot more freeform. A lot depends on what people are doing, how long those things take (IC and OOC), how much is going on at once that TD needs to run, and how much action is spread over time. For instance, while I doubt it'd ever get anywhere near this extreme, it may not be impossible for something to potentially run like an episode of 24 with each RL day being an hour of a very condensed series of events over a very short period of IC time.
- 2 months later
Starting January 1st, 2019:
Beaver Lake, Oregon, is home to the Eager Beaver Lodge, one of the best kept secrets in 1980's American vacationing. Far from civilization, it has breathtaking views, rustic accommodations, and more than a few dark secrets. When the lodge plays host to the Nu Mu Beta Fraternity and Zeta Eta Pi Sorority from the University of Oregon, a group of adventurous film students from California, and a gang of bank robbers from Washington, it's a prefect storm to bring long-buried secrets back from the grave.
A mash-up of every slasher-genre trope and convention, this story is balls-to-the-wall 80's horror in RPG form, set in 1989.
So the current story has had highs and lows that HBO and Netflix can only dream of. This is some of the best co-op storytelling I have ever been involved in. More connections and stories have sprung up out of natural RP, for me, than any OOC conversation and planning and it's FIRE y'all. I'm having a blast while crying while laughing. Most fun for free. Get on this.
I've been on the game since the start of the current story, and it's been some of the most fun I've had on an MU*; the setting and mechanics are great and the RP has been wonderful. Lots of varied and interesting interactions with all the characters, and the plot's been engaging. Come join us for the good times!
Aw man, I don't think I can resist this season. I know my RP times are weird but I'm gonna try to make it happen!