I would have taken it as just a vibe; I will say that I was extremely twitchy and overreacting on the public channel. This is a thing I do and I'm not proud of it and I'm owning it.
However, Creature lectured me about it not once but twice, and at the second one I asked for the same consideration that they were asking from me. This was not welcome (okay), but terms like "understand" and "not good for either of us" were used, which are typical weasel words for "I'm throwing you out but don't want to sound mean doing it", except it was presumptive and honestly kind of insulting.
I am not for a moment saying that I would've worked for the game, but I would liked to have had a chance to get away from Overbearing Staff Judgement in order to get my senses back. After staff started making decisions for me while asking for understanding, asking for a certain attitude but not affording the same, I decided that there's no sense in trying.
It seems like a great game for those who fit staff's expectations. For those who don't, good luck.
tl;dr: I didn't agree the way they wanted. Their game, their unwritten rules.