@SinCerely On AO3, or somewhere else? I write the most shameless shit on AO3 because no one I know outside of AO3 knows about it, lol.
Do You Do A Writing?
I do this every so often, but it seems like my activity levels in the hobby in general are dying off-- so I'm missing writing, and having that creative outlet. So I'm beginning to think about starting to write again. Anyone interested in being writing buddies? Just general encouragement and the like.
I have one short story I started flushing out, but I am also thinking of taking some of the creative stuff I was doing for Sacred Seed and write some short stories / maybe something longer.
I could certainly use a writing buddy/encouragement. Over the years I have had an on and off relationship with writing. I've started blogs and shut them down. Some fiction, some non-fiction. I was writing flash-fiction for about a year and that was a lot of fun but ultimately unfulfilling and I stopped.
I am very interested in writing encouragement and buddiness. I have so many unfinished projects.
I think that's a great idea.
I only write bad poetry and fanfiction. Smutty fanfiction.
I too write a lot of smutty fanfiction. A03 is a great site for thirsty readers to provide the best feedback and encouragement for you to keep updating your stories. Not that any number of comments and requests can stop me from being lazy when I really put my mind to it.
I'm always up for encouragement and buddiness! I suck at actually getting the words written down, but I'm working on that, too.
@Pandora Mee toooooo
@SinCerely On AO3, or somewhere else? I write the most shameless shit on AO3 because no one I know outside of AO3 knows about it, lol.
@Pandora AO3. Shameless, got it. Yes. Me too.
I am so down for this. I have a couple projects that need some love.
I do writing. Most of my current writing is work-related news paper articles that I have to send in twice a month. But I've also go a couple short stories (for contests I mean to enter) and more than a few gaming related projects to "write" on. And I'm always up for writing buddy-ness.
i still get random kudos on my AO3 fic i haven't updated in months and feel vaguely guilty
@Kanye-Qwest uh i meant VERY OCCASIONAL kudos, i didn't mean to make it sound like my fic is the next GOT drop
How would folks like to do this? We could set up a little discord or maybe ask for a sub forum here?
Then there are the comments so full of flattery and praise when they ask for an update you just don't have the heart to say you've completely lost interest in the story, so you just pretend you didn't see them.
You're all writers here - anyone have any tips for trying to get back into a story you just don't feel connected to anymore?
@Pandora said in Do You Do A Writing?:
anyone have any tips for trying to get back into a story you just don't feel connected to anymore?
Don't. Stories are like farts. Forcing it will make it shit.
If you feel the inspiration after re-reading what you've done, then proceed. Otherwise, let it die the death. -
@Pandora I skip a scene. If it's the next scene planned I don't like-- I'll go write something further in the book/story, or go back and re-write. Or I'll just give up. I have entire finished work sitting on my computer just waiting to be edited but I got to a point where I needed to do a major rewrite and I couldn't get into it.
@Cobaltasaurus Skipping ahead is good too. Skip way ahead, though. So same story, but doesn't necessarily rely on the events right up to the part where you stopped and/or got stuck. So you can go back and re-write to fill in details later.
@Cobaltasaurus I would say Discord might be better?