The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves)
@Sparks said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Adult diagnosis of ADHD continues to be an adventure in "Oh, that's not just me being weird?"
Yep. My life as well.
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
@Sparks said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Adult diagnosis of ADHD continues to be an adventure in "Oh, that's not just me being weird?"
Yep. My life as well.
big same.
But at least it helps, y'know? Knowing you aren't alone.
I'm not sure how commonly the chewing is part of ADHD. I'm also on the autism spectrum, so I may get it from that (I have fabric sensitivities and weirdnesses part of why I prefer living in the southwest is I hate wearing layers because fabric on fabric is the worst thing ever. I can handle hoodies and sometimes the rare oversized sweater but when it's like leggings under jeans for super cold or layered shirts due to cold I end up hella irritated and upset because of the constant fabric catching and tugging and rubbing and.....)
I don't even know if I explained that properly but yeah.
I... uh. Just assumed most people didn't like layered fabrics, other than maybe sufficiently loose sweatshirt/hoodie/jacket over a t-shirt type thing.
Is that... not a thing for most people? *insert nervously grimacing blob emoji here*
@Sparks said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Is that... not a thing for most people?
It is not. I learned that sensory processing issues are common in ADHD (one of the overlaps with autism spectrum). I have the same feelings Auspice described, as well as a general aversion to anything tight-fitting or itchy. Actually 'aversion' feels like too mild of a word. More like: "AAAAAAAH GET IT OFFF!!!!" I loved softball, but the uniforms (those stiff itchy poly ones) were sheer torture.
@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
But at least it helps, y'know? Knowing you aren't alone.
@faraday said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
as well as a general aversion to anything tight-fitting or itchy.
I actually prefer tighter-fitting stuff because when there's a lot of loose fabric, I feel like it's in my way. I'm probably too fat for this and people probably hate that I wear more snug things (not like, lycra or spandex, but I don't wear the two-sizes-too-big that fat ladies are supposed to)... it just avoids me ending up in the insanely agitated state.
But god yes, the itchy fabrics of uniforms. I wear mostly what's called 'athleisure' because tank tops and yoga pants are comfy af.
@Sparks I know it's not a thing for most people because of all the utter shit I get whenever I try to explain why 'just wear layers' isn't a good answer for me when I'm cold. Yes, if you want me insanely irritated and flailing about in agitation, SURE. But people act like I'm just being fussy, just making a problem, etc etc etc etc.
Some shit I just hate, fuck off corduroy. You have also reminded me of my stupid baseball uniform as a kid, it was gross.
Weirdly I loved my fishnet shirt back in the 90's. Form fitting and breathable. Didnt hurt that back then you could count my ribs at 20 paces.
Also i thought I would hate compression socks but omg they are neat (Weight problems fat ankles blah blah it helped a lot)
Also this community and just realizing that this is just how we are and finding people to just talk about it openly with.
Okay back to memes.
sensory sensitivity is an ADHD thing, yes. I cut tags out of clothes, and I can't wear any tshirt or anything that puts even the slightest bit of pressure around my neck. Above my collarbone, really. I feel like it's choking me. Also, I chew my lips constantly. Which I never thought of as a symptom, before. OH BOY.
I don't chew on my lips a lot, but I do chew at my cuticles compulsively. I didn't really think of that as a thing until I had a therapist point it out once.
@Kanye-Qwest I love that more and more clothes are printing the tag info because my issue with cutting them out is there always seems to be a little nub of ITCH left.
@Kanye-Qwest said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
sensory sensitivity is an ADHD thing, yes. I cut tags out of clothes, and I can't wear any tshirt or anything that puts even the slightest bit of pressure around my neck. Above my collarbone, really. I feel like it's choking me. Also, I chew my lips constantly. Which I never thought of as a symptom, before. OH BOY.
Okay, people need to stop making me have "wait, that's another ADHD thing?" moments, 'cause I gotta get actual work done today.
(I always assumed the 'gah, this collar is above the collarbones so I feel like I'm being strangled' thing was just another Random Rachel Quirk.)
@Sparks Me too! until I got diagnosed and started reading about sensory things. Except substitute "ashley" for "rachel". I couldn't wear standard t shirts until they started making them out of the insanely soft and stretchy material with wider necks. I can't even wear necklaces that hang right in the hollow of the throat. And yeah - loose layers, ugh. I can't even sleep in pajama pants because they drive me crazy under the covers.
I sleep naked because otherwise I feel like I'm getting tangled up. If I travel with people and gotta wear pajamas I can't sleep.
It took years to be able to sleep with more than just a single blanket.
I don't mind necklaces or snug necklines tho. I think the snug clothing, etc fits into why I also like weighted blankets. Or part of it. There's a light pressure involved and it feels soothing.
@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I sleep naked because otherwise I feel like I'm getting tangled up
I'm the same way. I have recently managed to get used to just wearing a pair of underwear to bed if only because I live in earthquake country and as my wife kept pointing out if I ended up having to get out of the house in a hurry I should at least have something on to not scar the neighbors (because she knows I wouldn't give a shit if they ended up seeing my junk).
Still, I much prefer naked. Anything more than a pair of boxer-briefs and I can't handle it.
I'm also firmly in the one thing over me camp. I sleep with a comforter over me, and that is it. No bedsheet or extra blankets for me.
@Auspice said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
I don't mind necklaces or snug necklines tho. I think the snug clothing, etc fits into why I also like weighted blankets. Or part of it. There's a light pressure involved and it feels soothing.
That's the thing about sensory processing issues... it's not consistent.
It's kinda how ADHD is not really a deficit of attention, it's trouble regulating attention. Sometimes you have too little attention, sometimes you have too much (hyperfocus).
Sensory processing is the same way. Sometimes it's an under-regulation (needing weighted blanket to sleep), sometimes it's an over-regulation (OMG TAG NUB ITCH), sometimes it can be either one depending on the situation. It's a PITA to explain to people.
Finally got to see a
scrip monkeydoctor to get me back on meds after three years.Just love how part of the process is "figure out if the psychiatrist your're seeing believes the DSM about adult ADD being a real thing."
I am also on the naked sleeper train. You're welcome for the mental image. Though, I have trained myself to wear boxers to bed after living in a dorm room with someone else who didn't appreciate my naturist aesthetic.
Oh and turtlenecks can fuck right off. Necklaces or anything like that are very iffy.
@insomniac7809 said in The ADD/ADHD Thread (cont'd from Peeves):
Just love how part of the process is "figure out if the psychiatrist your're seeing believes the DSM about adult ADD being a real thing."
I'm just highlighting this nonsense.

Wait, really?