May 30, 2019, 6:52 PM

aka developing a sex game in FS3 (sorry @faraday).

This is all likely a lark and I am already developing a game so I doubt I am going to actually 'make this happen,' but I find a lot of enjoyment in theorycrafting. The initial idea for this was born out of bs'ing (and not actually complaining for once in our sorry lives) in the gripes thread. A 'what if' regarding an orgy scene that was not taken seriously. Which would, of course, take likely literal months to play out because of the logistics behind it.

The idea led me to consider: what if that was the entire point behind it? What if you approached it like a gaming session or even story? Develop a system in which each orgy has a different setting (and/or theme) and the goal is to be the last (wo)man standing? Because, you see, I am inspired by the game Kobolds Ate My Baby and this particular orgy would come with death tables. And embarrassment tables.

What's that? You failed a roll? Sorry, but the next time you go to lube up you grab the hot sauce instead.

I envision only 4 attributes (brawn, dexterity, wits, hotness), a v. streamlined action skillset, a heavy reliance on background skills, and RP hooks that read like a Tinder profile.

The only real issue I'm having at this point is: since death is gonna happen a lot (don't worry, the cleaners are discrete), I want a way to track deaths-per-player without requiring people use Ares handles. I feel like this may demand a custom Ares module.

(*This entire thing may be a joke. It may not. I'm kind of enjoying the idea of Orgy on a Cruise Ship followed by Orgy at the Office followed by Orgy at Bingo Night ....)