@Jeshin said in The Work Thread:
A lot of jobs have that little disclaimer line "You will be expected to stand for long periods of time and be required to lift and carry things" there needs to be a "You will be expected to read the documentation and ask for additional training if necessary"
for real.
Like, we have a guy in the scrimmage who began the job a week before.
Everyone else got roughly 12 hours of workshops to train them in the tool. She was in this, for example.
This guy? A 45 minute tl;dr.
He's come back to us with a few questions, some needs for clarifications in the training. But for the most part? He has hit the ground running. Pro.
Like, people have absolutely had points that need clarification. Places where language was unclear. Places where they'd like a bit more detail, etc.
She wants every last detail.
She doesn't want: 'Write an essay between 300 and 500 words about your favorite wolf and deliver it by 8pm, Friday.'
She wants: 'Using a ball-point pen with a removable cap (not a click-pen), write an essay on college-ruled paper and deliver it by 8pm CST, Friday the 22nd of November. To use the pen, first remove the cap. To write, place the pointed end to the paper. The essay must be precisely 325 words long and it must be about timber wolves. It has to have no more than....'
Like, everyone else would understand the first: cool, you don't care what format it's in, so long as it's done. Or they'd understand: I need to reference previous metrics re: essays.
She wants 99% of the work done for her ahead of time.