@rinel and @gryphter
So, I'm a paralegal. I know how this goes firsthand, too.
Re: imposter syndrome: nobody in the law, outside of very highly specialized attorneys that only practice in one field, know what the fuck they're doing, and even then they're half-assing it most of the time. Today, I got a brief from opposing counsel, and my attorneys were all 'this doesn't look good'... until I went to take a look at it and realized they were citing a version of the CFR that literally hasn't been valid in over a decade, but because nobody actually fucking checks citations, they would have gotten away with it -- if it hadn't been for the fact that I literally just read that obscure little portion last week for another case.
Which brings me to Gryphter's thing -- everyone is getting paid well below their pay grade, now. I have two college degrees, a professional certificate, my CP/CLA (Certified Paralegal/Certified Legal Assistant) and ACP (Advanced Certified Paralegal) credentials in Discovery and Trial Practice, and I make half of the average salary of someone in an entry level position in my field, probably without those last two (which are fairly important) and tend to command an even higher salary. And I do the lion's share of the actual casework, too. The research, the briefs, the filings. The attorneys largely just take what I wrote and go talk about it in court. Why? Because they have a doctorate and took a test and paid a fortune to be able to do so and that somehow means they know more and make a zillion times more than me.
Even though I literally wrote almost everything they're saying. AND I'm the one that tends to catch the major fuckups on both sides.
(UPL is bullshit, by the way. Sidebar.)
But yeah. The only way I'm getting a better anything is if I go and negotiate it at a new company. But I really love this position. It's almost exactly what I wanted to do. I would leave it for maybe one or two others, but only because they're even more specialized in the areas that I'm passionate about.
It's a shitty place to find yourself.