I don’t mean to fuck. I mean to suggest replies that will get them to leave you alone.
Nothing freaks out bosses like the possibility of attorneys getting involved.
I don’t mean to fuck. I mean to suggest replies that will get them to leave you alone.
Nothing freaks out bosses like the possibility of attorneys getting involved.
@ganymede thanks. I didn't think you'd do that when I'm clearly not 'okay', but.. again with the second guessing everything right now.
I just sent HR an email asking about the headset and accommodation, etc. That's how I found out my boss himself bought the ethernet cable for me.
But I sent that email to HR, and he sent the reply to me, my boss, and Boss' boss. I am not pleased with that bullshit. If I reach out to HR, I feel it should be kept between me and HR.
ETA:I am now on hold for the Medical Accommodations and Leave team.
I am getting clarification.
So, I spoke to Med accommodations team. Oh no no no. HR is to order me a headset. They told me where to find the case and the link that was sent to HR.
I copied and pasted that shit into an email. Fuck around and find out. I'll get it in writing.
This is gaslighting, isn't it. Telling me lies until I'm not sure?
So, on a day when my current job is sucking eggs...
I have started receiving equipment from the job due to start next week. I didn't get a confirmation email, but I think sending me an expensive monitor might supersede that.
@macha said in The Work Thread:
So, on a day when my current job is sucking eggs...
I have started receiving equipment from the job due to start next week. I didn't get a confirmation email, but I think sending me an expensive monitor might supersede that.
I cannot tell you how relieved I am to hear this news. Probably only a fraction of what you're feeling though, so I'm sure you get it. Thank the stars.
@sunny There may have a squee from my roommate who brought the box in. There may have been happy shouts and some dancing around the living room.
My roommate has been amazing through the hell of the last two plus months. She has cheered me on getting a new job, and she sent me links to anything she could find I might be remotely qualified for.
...there may be booze-a-holing tonight.
@macha I have to say, you are much more mature and level headed than I. I would have noped right out of that job without two weeks' notice as soon as I got confirmation of the new one...even if I had to live off of one pack of ramen every other day just to get through those two weeks.
@alamias I don't know that I am mature or level headed, so much as paranoid. I had a job that basically fell through, so.. once bitten, twice shy.
So funny, suddenly now the job wants to make sure I have a comfortable headset, and that they order that ethernet cord for me, blah blah blah.
"We just want to make sure you have all the resources you need. "
Well, it's a good thing I didn't quit just yet. Since new job I was supposed to start on Tuesday, just called me to tell me they're waiting on my background check to clear and I can't start while it's still pending, so they're pushing me out a week.
... criminal background check. In the county where my brother was a cop my whole adult life. Where I have never gotten so much as a speeding ticket. (Knock on wood).
I want to scream in frustration. So much for giving myself the Christmas present of quitting.
Boss brought over a little goodie bag of presents on Friday. Some candy, a nice candle, the ethernet cable he'd bought for me because the company wouldn't in spite of IT insisting that was the cause of my software problems (and I don't have a problem in non-work life), some scratch off tickets, and an Amazon gift card.
I felt almost guilty a moment, because I know I'm going to quit. And then they released another email of 'who got promoted a tier'. And someone else I trained, someone who was only part time for a large chunk of time, got bumped up to a Tier2, and I didn't. Of course, we all know WHY. Sooooo naw. I'm good.
@macha they just keep showing you who they are.
40 hours basic helpdesk and benefits vs 40 hours without, but there's baking again -
I don't know.
I am so.. so done.
I want to explode.
"Well, I don't see that you did anything on Friday morning, so I am going to reject your time sheet." ... you..are aware I did all my tasks before lunch, which take all morning. Right?
"Sarah says you clocked out Thursday at 8:52." Well, that's funny, because I didn't talk to Sarah, and I didn't tell my team lead I was sick and leaving until at least 8:55. So unless Sarah can tell the future - she's a lying bitch.
They're rejecting my time sheet on some made up timeline. I'm so over it. If I had a sure fire way to earn money until my new job started, I would table flip.
It took a massive case surge in our organization (which I hopefully? dodged), but I'm back to fully remote.
I'm ecstatic about this.
Being asked to recreate a report that you got to see done ONCE. Like three weeks ago.
I so need new job start date. But at the same time, I need a new chair so I can sit at my desk for more than an hour at a time, so trying to save.
Can't I just win the lotto?
I work for public health insurance. I have a lot of cases with older people, some of whom do not speak English. No big, we have Lionbridge we can use.
But when I call, I get the son/daughter/whomever, and they're like "Well, I'm so and so." ... I'm like "Well, that's great, but I asked for X." ...but I can't say that. But I have to speak to the person I asked for, it's fucking HIPAA. But these chuckleheads - they will fight you on this, and it's so fucking annoying. They will insist "Well, I handle everything for them." Sure, you might, but the fact remains, I need their permission to speak to you about their case, unless you go through the paperwork, and get put ON FILE that you're an Authorized Rep (which they never do).
Just... UGH.
@macha What really sucks? When you have to handle that, but the client has passed, so you get the unpleasant task of having to request a copy of the death cert and any paperwork they might have from the deceased's estate showing that they are empowered to handle the client's estate. Especially when they go 'well I have POA'... yep. That worked... right up until the person passed. Dead people cannot grant POA over anything. Once they pass, it becomes probate and that's a whole other section of law.
@too-old-for-this Thankfully I do not have to ask for any of that. If I am informed the person I am looking for died, I hand the case off to someone else who handles it.