I love my job but I don't always love my job.
I started in July, coming into a project for a new tool that had been in development for almost two years (there was a lengthy stall in there where it got shelved and then brought back out). I was brought in in July for a product due to launch in January 2020. Okay. That's a good period of time.
Except at the beginning of August, I was told 'We're going into scrimmage first week of October, so documentation needs to be ready by then.'
It took all of July to settle in and grasp the concepts coming at me because it's not just a new industry; it's a new industry that does things their own way.
It took August to learn the tool, write my outline, and get some rough drafts of sections done.
Here I am, week 2 of September, and there's a lot of 'Why isn't the training material ready?'
Maybe, maybe if you'd brought someone in back in, oh, April? maybe? this would be closer to done.
It's two different sides: the people that have been embroiled in this project from the start and people who have to learn it new for January and are anxious about it.
And I can't seem to get them to understand: to be able to document the training material (aka to be able to teach this through text and images), I need to fully understand it myself. That takes time.
ETA: And I am missing a lot of things because other teams haven't finished / delivered them. So the documentation I have completed has a lot of 'process to be inserted here once approved' type notes.