@derp I like it (although I haven't watched the latest episode). But man... it makes me sad to see Patrick Stewart age. He's still in good shape for his age but he's getting up there.
Good TV
@derp I like it (although I haven't watched the latest episode). But man... it makes me sad to see Patrick Stewart age. He's still in good shape for his age but he's getting up there.
@arkandel He did age well, sad to seem them getting older. Reminds me of George Takei's old joke about the new enterprise obviously had a gym and the old one was lacking, when talking about Shatner and Stewart.
@lotherio That part sounds more like Takei being snarky about Shatner than anything! Although yes, Stewart is definitely in good shape - for his age. Even though there were scenes he couldn't bend his knees to examine someone closer, etc.
First episode of Moon Knight is up on Disney+
You need to go watch it. Like, now.
Daredevil Season 1 greatness, then cranked up to 11.
@runescryer Its also good to see they have a home for the netflix Marvel series on Disney+, TV-MA and all.
@runescryer Having been a Moon Knight fan for quite some time, I was very happy with what they did with the series so far and how they portray Marc vs Steven. I wonder if we will get a Jake in there as well, but I doubt it.
@runescryer Having been a Moon Knight fan for quite some time, I was very happy with what they did with the series so far and how they portray Marc vs Steven. I wonder if we will get a Jake in there as well, but I doubt it.
Pretty sure we will. The 'Gold Man' busker Steven has lunch with is confirmed to be one of Lockley's street contacts in the comics.
- 16 days later
Picard S2:E4
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Outer Range - no clue where its going but the vibe of modern ranch horror (or sci fi?) is pretty good.
A good set up for a modern ranch mu-slice of life/small player base. Two large ranches battling over land/etc, one has money/resources, the other is a more established family in the valley/area. Various dramas ensue between the families.
The Last Kingdom.
It's George Martin approved. And now Arkandel-approved, I guess!
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Outer Range - no clue where its going but the vibe of modern ranch horror (or sci fi?) is pretty good.
A good set up for a modern ranch mu-slice of life/small player base. Two large ranches battling over land/etc, one has money/resources, the other is a more established family in the valley/area. Various dramas ensue between the families.
It's very Yellowstone meets Twin Peaks. I'm enjoying it thus far.
@betternow said in Good TV:
Outer Range - no clue where its going but the vibe of modern ranch horror (or sci fi?) is pretty good.
A good set up for a modern ranch mu-slice of life/small player base. Two large ranches battling over land/etc, one has money/resources, the other is a more established family in the valley/area. Various dramas ensue between the families.
It's very Yellowstone meets Twin Peaks. I'm enjoying it thus far.
Funny as I was catching up on the recent episodes, Twin Peaks came to mind too. About the time Autum went into the dive bar and talked to Perry, that was a very Twin Peaks moment, has me hopeful it goes more that way.
I am reserved that it won't fully make it to Twin Peaks (no end in sight and rabbit hole kept getting deeper, until fans complained and they made the movie to reveal the murderer) - it has a Lost (and every 'mystery' series since) vibe. It'll be explained.
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I just finished the first season of Abbot Elementary on Netflix.
I can totally understand why teachers watched one episode and had a serious spectrum of emotions.
The emotions went from, "Fuck off, I'm insulted," to "That was amazing and I need more right now."
I'm in the middle. I really did enjoy it for its entertainment value. It hit reaaallllllyyyy close at some points though. Everything was pretty exaggerated from the "norm" but not to the point where it hasn't happened somewhere and for some reason.
I connected pretty hard core with most of the main characters in one way or another.
So yeah, I recommend it. But totally okay if it's a 'yeah no' for people too.
@silverfox said in Good TV:
The emotions went from, "Fuck off, I'm insulted," to "That was amazing and I need more right now."
So yeah, I recommend it. But totally okay if it's a 'yeah no' for people too.I've a question! With a built-in preemptive apology if I misread your post.
Do folks mind it so much if their profession is not represented accurately or even respectfully in TV or movies? Because I've heard similar comments to people close to me about, for example, the animal services field, medical professionals in general, etc.
The reason I ask is that I'm in IT. And a whole lot of my field is either portrayed in a hilariously incorrect way (hacking, development, the time it takes to do stuff, even the scope of what computer professionals do since apparently we're also experts in not just every aspect of our own field but everything from DNA evidence to nuclear physics), or is openly mocking us for being introverts, basically on the spectrum as a whole, etc. I figure lawyers are on the same boat or a very similar-looking vessel.
Anyway, my point here is these things doesn't bug me, it's just... kinda funny to see the tropes play out the way they do. I guess I'm also pretty used to it by now since that's been the portrayal in media since the 80s.
Do y'all mind much if your profession is butchered a fair bit in its fictional portrayal, either for comedy material but even in more serious material?
@silverfox said in Good TV:
I really did enjoy it for its entertainment value. It hit reaaallllllyyyy close at some points though. Everything was pretty exaggerated from the "norm" but not to the point where it hasn't happened somewhere and for some reason.
This is how I felt about Life & Beth.
Do folks mind it so much if their profession is not represented accurately or even respectfully in TV or movies? Because I've heard similar comments to people close to me about, for example, the animal services field, medical professionals in general, etc.
I think that you have to approach it with a certain mindset.
Like, ok. I work in the legal field. I adored Better Call Saul, Suits, and Franklin and Bash. They were incredibly entertaining.
And no lawyer in their right mind would even consider crossing as many lines as they do in that show, even in desperation. Because you will get caught and it will most likely be the end of your career as an attorney. They engage in a lot of behaviors that just smack right in the face of accepted professional standards of practice.
This doesn't prevent me from enjoying the show. But it always makes me a little
when people think that's somehow the 'norm'.
I think a lot of the 'fuck this' from teachers comes from the fact that we feel under attack already. The fuss about CRT, indoctrination, banning books, etc has REALLY had an impact on teacher morale. We have 2 teachers of 15+ years experience getting out of education because of the environment. (Love kids, like the school, but it is everything ELSE getting to them.)
So to see incompetence displayed can absolutely feel like it is going to give even more power to those attempting to destroy public education.
Do folks mind it so much if their profession is not represented accurately or even respectfully in TV or movies?
Most of the medics and firefighters I know don't seem to mind that the professions aren't portrayed accurately. There's some good natured eye-rolling at how implausible everything is, but it's still fun.
But of course not everyone agrees. Fire Dept Chronicles has a hilarious YouTube series roasting fire/rescue shows.
@silverfox said in Good TV:
I think a lot of the 'fuck this' from teachers comes from the fact that we feel under attack already. The fuss about CRT, indoctrination, banning books, etc has REALLY had an impact on teacher morale. We have 2 teachers of 15+ years experience getting out of education because of the environment. (Love kids, like the school, but it is everything ELSE getting to them.)
So to see incompetence displayed can absolutely feel like it is going to give even more power to those attempting to destroy public education.
I haven't seen this show, but as an educator, I don't often have trouble watching it. That said, what silverfox said is true; it does often feel like making fun of teachers and educators is often 'punching down'.