HBO also is releasing related 'In world' documents about how their alternate history developed.
HBO also is releasing related 'In world' documents about how their alternate history developed.
Weiss and Benioff announce exit from Star Wars Trilogy.
Same day it is announced that they are no longer part of Game of Thrones prequel.
Proooooobably a story, there.
Weiss and Benioff announce exit from Star Wars Trilogy.
Same day it is announced that they are no longer part of Game of Thrones prequel.
Proooooobably a story, there.
They were at Austin Film Festival this past weekend and had a talk.
In this talk, they basically just joked around the entire time about 'lol we had no idea what we were doing the entire time! we don't even know why they gave us a show to begin with, guys!'
Like, the whole thing was basically them laughing about the fact that they never should have been given a show in the first place, that they purposefully never had women or PoC in the writer's room because they insisted on writing everything themselves, etc.
Someone live-tweeted the whole of it.
I think uh, there might have been a lot of cutting of ties going on and they're saving face now by saying 'Uh, we're just too busy with our Netflix contract!'
But it all happened right after articles about that talk at AFF went up.
Weiss and Benioff announce exit from Star Wars Trilogy.
Same day it is announced that they are no longer part of Game of Thrones prequel.
Proooooobably a story, there.
Looks like they wanted to focus on Netflix:
You kids might be focused on those fancy new hip shows and the latest cool series but may I interest you in season 2 of The Kominsky Method?
Yeah, that's right, the character-actor equivalent of The Expendables with a star studded cast that'd have rocked the box office in say, the early 80s; Michael Douglas, Alan Arkin, Jane Seymour, Kathleen Turner... it's all here!
I love it. The whole thing is based on the friendship between two old guys in what's basically a pretty basic excuse for plot (a guy's wife dies, an aging actor's career is going nowhere) that's there to justify witty dialogue, great delivery and just amazing acting.
HBO Max has announced a Green Lanterns TV series is in the works.
Pretty fucking jazzed about this, I am.
Daybreak is pretty wonderful.
Van Helsing is in its fourth season and the first three are pretty brutal and neat.
Oh, and by the way, Impulse on YouTube is fucking phenomenal.
@Coin I had trouble getting started on Van Helsing, but I was grateful once I did. Not sure why it was a bumpy start, but I know I tried three times before it really 'caught', despite finding it interesting each time.
The cast is pretty amazing, and it has managed to surprise me here and there, which is pretty rare for TV these days. (Christopher Heyerdahl alone needs to dull down the awesome so the rest of television can keep up just in general, seriously.)
Van Helsing starts weird because they don't explain jack fucking shit until like episode 4-5, so it's interesting but you're not really sure why and that, now-a-days, generates distrust in viewers. I watched the first ep when it came out and then let it sit until season four was like three episodes in and I just binged the first three seasons without reservation.
It is a brutal, brutal take on both the undead apocalypse and vampires.
That Witcher trailer is smokin rad.
I've really been digging season 2 of Castle Rock so far on Hulu. I enjoyed season 1, but I think this one is better than the first.
I put off trying Castle Rock for ages... but it surprised me. It didn't pull a full Stephen King and fuck the pig in the last episode like his books do.
@RDC Agreed. Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns ended far sooner than it should have, and that show was vastly underrated. The movie? Meh. The cartoon got it
They were at Austin Film Festival this past weekend and had a talk.
In this talk, they basically just joked around the entire time about 'lol we had no idea what we were doing the entire time! we don't even know why they gave us a show to begin with, guys!'
I wonder if in their minds they saw the whole scene as humble-bragging and trying to do a whole imposter syndrome thing that gets turned around when the moderator at the talk fawns over them telling them they're actually brilliant. And everyone cheers and carries them out of the festival on their shoulders.