I forced myself to watch Daybreak on Netflix. I am not the show's target audience but I found the show very refreshing and the acting quite good. The first few episodes started off a bit rocky for me but they were humorous enough to keep me entertained.
Good TV
I forced myself to watch Daybreak on Netflix. I am not the show's target audience but I found the show very refreshing and the acting quite good. The first few episodes started off a bit rocky for me but they were humorous enough to keep me entertained.
@Admiral Yeah the first one I hated but made myself push and I love it now, the main character is a moron but its great.
@Wretched They do a lot of fuckery with perspective and narrative that I really appreciated.
The ending to the season was ridiculous and fun as well, setting up a strong season 2 if the show gets one. (It probably will unless the budget is too obscene.)
@Admiral Yeah the first one I hated but made myself push and I love it now, the main character is a moron but its great.
Josh is an absolute knob but I love him because he's a knob in the most adolescent way possible. And refreshingly, he runs rightinto his prejudices and contradictions and comes out the other side changed--even in that very very very last scene you can see the sudden change when he realized all his preconceptions were backwards.
But yes, absolute idiot, in the best narrative way.
The movie? Meh. The cartoon got it
And this is why Batman: the Animated Series should be on everyone's watch list, all the time.
And honestly, by extension: Superman: The Animated Series (which dealt with Darkseid brainwashing Kal-El into a monstrous servant), Batman Beyond (BECAUSE IT'S BATMAN BEYOND), and Justice League and Justice League: Unlimited because it was the culmination of all of those coming together.
Honestly just... those four shows are so fucking amazing. Even Superman, which was just a liiiiiiiiiiittle bit milquetoast compared to the others (especially the Batman ones).
All four are great, but I put BTAS on another level because of how it came to be, and the extraordinary writing in the first and second seasons.
Everyone who loves Harley Quinn must shout out to the show. The show’s ability to narrate in 20 or so minutes a villain’s beginning was mind blowing. The origin episodes for Clayface and Mr. Freeze made these obscure villains into real characters.
I could go on and on about the depth of some of these episodes, but if you haven’t seen them please go do so. I swear you will not go wrong.
Also, the animation style is IMO the single best example of western-style animation in existence.
Also, the voice actors.
Also, the soundtrack.
As a somewhat related aside, I'm continually astonished how DC makes such decent animated movies and shits the bed so terribly when it comes to live action. I mean, yeah, the animation is sort of bleh, but still!
Look at this! Lady got MUSCLES!
I recognize that these are all just direct adaptations of existing comics, but I don't really care. They're fun to watch.
altho lol at Zatanna's eyes what is happening there
“I failed you. I wish there were another way for me to say it. I cannot. I can only beg your forgiveness, and pray you hear me somehow, someplace... someplace where a warm hand waits for mine.” — Mr. Freeze.
“No. No! You broke my concentration. It won't work. Don't you see? It's too hard. It's like tensing a muscle. I can't keep it up for long! MY CAREER, MY LIFE, IT IS GONE! AND I CAN NEVER GET IT BACK! I'M NOT AN ACTOR ANYMORE! I'm not even a... man.” — Clayface
“This is what I listen to now. (flips his coin) Chance, Grace. Chance is everything. Whether you're born or not. Whether you live or die. Whether you're good or bad. It's all arbitrary.” — Two-face.
Goddamn the writing. And this stuff was mostly written wholecloth.
Because the live action stuff is WB.
The animation is DC.
That's why.
As a somewhat related aside, I'm continually astonished how DC makes such decent animated movies and shits the bed so terribly when it comes to live action.
Their DC Universe series have been pretty good, though they're relatively new arrivals to the content pool. Doom Patrol in particular is fucking amazing.
- 9 days later
I'll just leave this here:
@Thenomain Are we raging? I need to be told how to feel about this.
@Arkandel I'm past raging, but, like...
It's one of the keystones of modern cinema. I feel like you can leave it alone.
The Toys That Made Us did another series...
And I think it wasn't nearly as good as the other one. I might be biased but the way they referred to bronies as 'silly harmless fun' rather than the mega creepy incel-adjacent form of fandom that it is made me cringe.
I still can't get over just how good The Mandalorian is.
So glad that Rogue One style Star Wars storytelling didn't die with that one movie.
I still can't get over just how good The Mandalorian is.
So glad that Rogue One style Star Wars storytelling didn't die with that one movie.
The production values in the premium TV shows these days is what blows my mind.
What they did in Game of Thrones, now with The Mandalorian, and they're promising to do the same with upcoming shows like the The Witcher, Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time... Yes, a large part of that is money but also advances in technology, the incredible logistics to produce works spanning 10+ hours per year, the music scores, even writing screenplays for this different long format as we had TV before but it always required time for commercials, recaps, etc.
I just really hope it's sustainable.
The total costs of my streaming services now equal a cable bill. We cut cable because that was a high cost with a lot of wasted filler. And now we're doing the same thing with streaming services for one or two shows off each service.
I thought that competition in the market might push some of the prices down but they're ticking upwards in some cases. This is more than mildly frustrating.