I really can't complain for any tv show that involves previous episode recaps sung by (and possibly written by as well?) Jonathon Coulton.
Good TV
I really can't complain for any tv show that involves previous episode recaps sung by (and possibly written by as well?) Jonathon Coulton.
Is that actually Jonathan Coulton? I fucking knew it. I knew it.
Here ya go: http://www.tvguide.com/news/braindead-recap-song-previously-on-jonathan-coulton/
Marco Polo season 2, y'all. I binged and watched it all in two days. Not historically accurate by a longshot, but well acted, beautifully choreographed fight scenes, amazing costumes, etc.
Just Noticed that the first 2 seasons of Penny Dreadful are on Netflix. Watch 'em folks!
I'm on episode 3 currently. It's been an interesting distraction. -
Marco Polo season 2, y'all. I binged and watched it all in two days. Not historically accurate by a longshot, but well acted, beautifully choreographed fight scenes, amazing costumes, etc.
I just binge-watched the entire season 1 over 2.5 days.
I don't understand why they bother raising armies. Why not just send Hundred Eyes to take care of everything?
I don't understand why they bother raising armies. Why not just send Hundred Eyes to take care of everything?
Right? Btw just in case you didn't notice, there's a Hundred Eyes special as well that's a prequel to the series. But yes, he is a bad ass, though personally I just want to be Khutulun when I grow up.
I don't understand why they bother raising armies. Why not just send Hundred Eyes to take care of everything?
Right? Btw just in case you didn't notice, there's a Hundred Eyes special as well that's a prequel to the series. But yes, he is a bad ass, though personally I just want to be Khutulun when I grow up.
I did but I want to finish both seasons first because I didn't know when it was set in the timeline, and I didn't want to get spoiled.
Ack, sorry. Hasn't considered episode placement to be spoilerish.
I guess I'll stick this here?
Samuel L Jackson explains Game of Thrones. It's a little spoilery, and it's on itunes now, so that's why they did it I guess. Either way, I laughed.
Oh, fuck you, Tyrant. You killed the one character on the show with any kind of moral consistency, not to mention also being the easiest on the eyes in the whole damn show.
I'm liking Scream and the turn this season took going from slasher to thriller. Even though I like a good slasher.
@Insomnia, have you tried Scream Queens?
@Cupcake No, I haven't. It's on my list. I have a very long list. One good thing about being sick is I have a legitimate reason to binge things right now. I'm uh... watching Pretty Little Liars right now. (Also, you know what's weird? Watching Nolan North do live action... things. So weird.)
It's weird watch Scream on Netflix and having to wait though.
@Cupcake Scream Queens has to be my favorite new show from last year.
Very little has made me laugh quite so hard; it's rather like Archer that way. You don't want to laugh, sometimes, but some of the characters are such horrible people it becomes thoroughly hilarious.
It reminded me of another show that no one ever seems to have heard of from years back, and I later found out it's due to sharing a creator with that one. It is, of all things, a teen comedy/drama that was called Popular and it was charmingly weird enough that after just leaving the channel on whilst working on a project... I ended up watching it on purpose after that. It's not horror (beyond 'all things set in high school can be horror to adults'), but it has the same over the top funny-charming weirdness factor.
@surreality said in Good TV:
It reminded me of another show that no one ever seems to have heard of from years back, and I later found out it's due to sharing a creator with that one. It is, of all things, a teen comedy/drama that was called Popular and it was charmingly weird enough that after just leaving the channel on whilst working on a project... I ended up watching it on purpose after that. It's not horror (beyond 'all things set in high school can be horror to adults'), but it has the same over the top funny-charming weirdness factor.
No surprise there, Popular was also created by Ryan Murphy! I used to love that show too. They were doing storylines that were ahead of their time, stuff about gender stereotype, how trans people are treated, etc.
@Cupcake He's one of the folks behind American Horror Story, too, which has frustrated me in one way: Scream Queens is going to be sequential/continuing story, but... dangit, I would have loved to see them do the genre-hopping time and character swaps with that same cast.
(I mean, can you envision Emma Roberts as perky-neurotic bouncy sunshine 1970s camp counselor doing the 'time for arts and crafts!' denial thing in the midst of a 70s summer camp massacre parody? Because I can, and it makes me cackle uproariously whenever I picture it.)
Nobody gonna mention Glee? Just me, ok.
@tragedyjones I skipped that one, believe it or not, but yep, that's one of his others.