I enjoy both The Flash and Supergirl on about the same level. I'm not too deeply invested in either of them, but I find them fun and engaging. Very interested to see what Supergirl does this season on The CW, which seems like a better fit for it than CBS ever was.
Good TV
I enjoy both The Flash and Supergirl on about the same level. I'm not too deeply invested in either of them, but I find them fun and engaging. Very interested to see what Supergirl does this season on The CW, which seems like a better fit for it than CBS ever was.
@Three-Eyed-Crow I think it'll have a lot more promise there, honestly. They tend to be doing fairly well in ways the big three sometimes just... seem to miss, on some level.
@surreality said in Good TV:
Not every superheroine just marches in, sword and shield, and completely out bad-asses the boys the movie's named after.
That's not at all my issue with it, and isn't my expectation.
All the "GRRRRLPOWER" dialogue is just so campy that it comes off pretty disingenuous.
I found Episode 16, "Falling" to be very well written in addressing the issues of victimization, body autonomy and violation, and with regard to the relationship between the two sisters.
Just throwing out there that while there certainly is a lot of fluff to it, occasionally something really well done pops up.
Started watching Atlanta. Effing hilarious!
So, Westworld. Loved the pilot. Hoping for more good things as it progresses.
While I liked a lot of the stuff on Westworld, I am pretty over some of the tropes it's using.
It was way too serious. I was expecting at least some humor, a la Deadwood. But instead, you just get something akin to Game of Thrones at its most serious for an hour and eight minutes. Groan.
I'll keep watching, though. I really did enjoy the score. I only caught two of the songs covered for it (Black Hole Sun and Paint It Black) but am sure there are more.
I really did enjoy the score. I only caught two of the songs covered for it (Black Hole Sun and Paint It Black) but am sure there are more.
Caught those, too, and really want to track down those versions of them now. They were fantastic. Both were "...is that... it is! Nice!" It's also a subtle mental cue: this show is set far enough in the future for those songs to get converted into good ambient muzak.
@surreality said in Good TV:
I really did enjoy the score. I only caught two of the songs covered for it (Black Hole Sun and Paint It Black) but am sure there are more.
Caught those, too, and really want to track down those versions of them now. They were fantastic. Both were "...is that... it is! Nice!" It's also a subtle mental cue: this show is set far enough in the future for those songs to get converted into good ambient muzak.
That, or they just really wanted to use them within the setting.
Reign had Lorde's Royals done on cellos, after all.
@Coin I remember that one. That string quartet does some seriously amazing covers; there's a veritable mountain of them on youtube.
Reign had Lorde's Royals done on cellos, after all.
Speaking of, I love this trashy show, but with pretty much nobody left who's originally part of Mary's crew (I don't count Anne of Green Gables) I'm not sure if there's anything left in it for me. They are dangerously close to the shark. They may have already jumped it.
Reign had Lorde's Royals done on cellos, after all.
Speaking of, I love this trashy show, but with pretty much nobody left who's originally part of Mary's crew (I don't count Anne of Green Gables) I'm not sure if there's anything left in it for me. They are dangerously close to the shark. They may have already jumped it.
I stopped watching mid season 2-ish, I think. But I was told my favorite of the girls was just sort of faded out of the show without even an exit arc, so fuck that shit.
I stopped watching mid season 2-ish, I think. But I was told my favorite of the girls was just sort of faded out of the show without even an exit arc, so fuck that shit.
Kenna? The exit was really weird, actually. And what was most bizarre about it was that there was absolutely nothing in the way of articles or interviews discussing the actress' exit. Which I found kind of hinky. Keeping in mind the actress herself has some fairly "controversial" sex positive view points she's been very public about.
I'm still pissed abou how they wrote out Lola, though.
I stopped watching mid season 2-ish, I think. But I was told my favorite of the girls was just sort of faded out of the show without even an exit arc, so fuck that shit.
Kenna? The exit was really weird, actually. And what was most bizarre about it was that there was absolutely nothing in the way of articles or interviews discussing the actress' exit. Which I found kind of hinky. Keeping in mind the actress herself has some fairly "controversial" sex positive view points she's been very public about.
I'm still pissed abou how they wrote out Lola, though.
Yeah, Kenna. I hearted her, and her actress is awesome.
Reign had Lorde's Royals done on cellos, after all.
Speaking of, I love this trashy show, but with pretty much nobody left who's originally part of Mary's crew (I don't count Anne of Green Gables) I'm not sure if there's anything left in it for me. They are dangerously close to the shark. They may have already jumped it.
Well, at least we do know how the cycle is going to land? (Head-first into the shark's mouth.)
To whomever suggested Scream Queens to me, thank you.
Second episode of Westworld; I remain fascinated by this show.
@GirlCalledBlu REally worth a look!
I just watched the first two episodes of Timeless, and I've enjoyed it so far. It's a neat alternate history genre that adds some interesting overarching conspiracy elements - sort of reminds me of what Revolution might have been.
So, if seeing what might happen if history goes even a little differently than it did is of interest, check it out.