Aug 28, 2017, 7:21 PM

@Arkandel said in Good TV:

@Faceless What I miss is political subtlety. Don't get me wrong, I really loved the season so far because they get to play with all those toys Martin has given one by one - and I could really not care less about nitpicking of the "how fast do ravens fly??" variety - but it's more about wide brush strokes and big battles than backroom dealing, clever betrayals and outmaneuvering.

In that environment though some of ASoIaF's greatest characters like Varys or Littlefinger really don't have much to do. Even Tywin would have found it tricky to thrive without focusing on him more as a military than a political figure.

I think this is largely because the series is running into endgame territory. All the backroom stuff was a slow build to this, a bunch of assholes refusing to believe winter was coming, now winter's come. Probably my favorite shot of the finale was Jaime seeing a snowflake hit his glove and looking up to see the stormclouds over King's Landing, followed closely by the Wall coming down. It's so heavy and inevitable and final, and puts all the human struggle and pettiness into stark, ugly relief.