Jul 30, 2021, 11:48 AM

@ganymede Admittedly, there are a great many animated series/movies that I refuse to watch because the art style is almost painful for me. But if that is the case, then I will state that I'm sure its a wonderful show BUT I cannot stand the art style they chose to use and will likely give it a pass. I may cite other examples of similar shows/movies that use the same art style that I avoid. But I can guarantee none of them are being avoided for their emotional/mental/story content. There are simply certain art styles that my brain will not move past to get to the story, I will get too hung up on the details of the visuals that are bothering me to be able to get into the story.

But it will be very clear that it is not the story content of the show that is objectionable.

If someone is using an art style as an excuse to not watch a show because they don't want to watch a show made by a girl/about a girl/etc. then I absolutely cannot fault you for your upset and anger.