@Thenomain said in Good TV:
There was no moment of competition for me when it came to the Yen/Geralt pairing.
I think we need to start a Yennifer Fan Club on this board.
Only if you start spelling her name right!
@Thenomain said in Good TV:
There was no moment of competition for me when it came to the Yen/Geralt pairing.
I think we need to start a Yennifer Fan Club on this board.
Only if you start spelling her name right!
@Thenomain - Yen's personality in the games is pretty much spot-on; it's just the appearance that's different from the books. (In the games she is older in appearance and more conventionally attractive.) The one thing they got wrong in the games for her personality is that Yen and Ciri should be as close as Geralt and Ciri, and that relationship didn't come through as well as it could have. Yen is really as much a mother to Ciri as Geralt is a father.
There's other little stuff. Book!Geralt's a bit more emo and wracked with self-doubt in places, for instance. ("Am I fucking up Ciri's destiny?" I mean, yes? But that is not a bad thing? Because her destiny kind of sucks?)
The one in the games who deviates the most is really Ciri; by Lady of the Lake she was a sarcastic and broken teenager, kind of borderline cruel at times, but she sure as hell didn't lack in confidence. (When I compare her to Arya Stark, I'm not kidding; Arya can't have inspired the character given the two pre-saga story collections and the first two Blood of Elves saga books were out in Polish before ASoIaF was published at all, but it's a frighteningly accurate analogy in places.)
That said, the shit she went through in faerie (how did she restrain herself from beating the living snot out of Avallac'h when she meets him again?!) followed by being lost for 5+ years in an entirely different world, along with not being a kid any longer, could have changed her a bit by the time she makes it home to her own world again in Witcher 3.
It's true that most of those series are very, very white (WoT has a pretty diverse cast, though not really in the main characters). Which is fine in and of itself, but it's sort of a Bechdel-y systemic issue.
The problem of course is that if you change someone's race (e.g. black Siuan Sanche instead of vaguely Mediterranean) you'll have an explosion of angry nerds screaming about the SJW menace.
There's a whole thought process on this topic thats probably better for the Politics board. FYI I'm in the camp that says "if racial identity is important, then replacing one ethnicity for the other is the same social crime regardless of ethnicity".
I think once you get away from the typical blah blah conservative vs sjw dogma, philosophically it's a worthy discussion over coffee/tea.
@Thenomain said in Good TV:
I think we need to start a Yennifer Fan Club on this board.
Only if you start spelling her name right!
Look, you lot are lucky I remember which one she is without googling!
The one thing they got wrong in the games for her personality is that Yen and Ciri should be as close as Geralt and Ciri, and that relationship didn't come through as well as it could have.
It came across to me as older sister lightly bitter at Geralt's involvement. There is a scene in the game in...let's say where they are searching a wizard's lab and Ciri is not happy about said wizard and you make a...choice about what to do with her attitude, and Yen disapproves greatly if you side with Ciri. But at the end of the scene you see that Yennefer is trying to do the right thing for the right reason but that's not because she doesn't have to try.
In the same game. Triss whined non-stop. Way to kill my redhead fetish, Triss.
So yes, in summary, Yen is best. If this is the Yen from the books, then I guess I'll have to read those too.
@Thenomain said in Good TV:
@Thenomain said in Good TV:
I think we need to start a Yennifer Fan Club on this board.
Only if you start spelling her name right!
Look, you lot are lucky I remember which one she is without googling!
Oh, I'm sure your memory isn't that bad--
@Sparks said in Good TV:
In the same game. Ciri whined non-stop. Way to kill my redhead fetish, Ciri.
Oh. It is.
backs away from this conversation slooooooowly, so the motion draws no attention
backs away from this conversation slooooooowly, so the motion draws no attention
So how bout them Final Fantasies?
returns to conversation, vehemently waving FF6 banner, accompanied by Terra's Theme, and wielding large stack of arguments why it is the best FF game... then realizes this is the TV thread and there's really no justification for starting that conversation here as well
backs away from this conversation slooooooowly, so the motion draws no attention
So how bout them Final Fantasies?
returns to conversation, vehemently waving FF6 banner, accompanied by Terra's Theme, and wielding large stack of arguments why it is the best FF game... then realizes this is the TV thread and there's really no justification for starting that conversation here as well
I had to try.
@Auspice — I can just talk endlessly about the Witcher books instead. (Which I really should re-read before the series airs.)
List of the DOZENS of FINAL Fantasy games
Final my ass.
List of the DOZENS of FINAL Fantasy games
Final my ass.
The true Neverending Story.