190lb mastiff from a shelter: $50
Cheap wig from department store: $13
Reaction of neighbours to new pet: priceless!
@silentsophia So it is!
It happens to all of us.
I am loving making a sale mail dice bag, and making a scarf out of this baby alpaca/merino wool. Soooo soft. I have to stop and pet it.
Also, Etrian Odyssey 2:U is really fun, especially if you like Wizardry and/or JRPGs.
Going through my stepdad's stuff in preparation for the move downstairs, come across a replica One Ring from Lord of the Rings, put it on.
Me: Mine now!
Him: Uh no it's not.
Me: ... I don't think you know how this ring works.
It doesn't work if you don't call it Your Precious.
A new offender got transferred to my caseload today, and the first thing he told me is he was jealous of my beard. I established dominance without needing to speak a word.
My current love: dill pickle flavored Lay's potato chips.
Those seem pretty popular. I might have to try 'em.
So, I drew a portrait of Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning on YouTube, as mentioned before (I think?) ?
And they put it on their Facebook and Instagram page! I'm so excited! =D
I'm so excited that I'm posting it everywhere ever, don't judge me =D
That is fucking awesome! I like it.
I'm super excited, and know this probably means very little to any of you but....
Not only have I seemed to temporarily drag myself out of whatever rut I've been in, but I was productive enough to launch my own Patreon account to hopefully supplement my Etsy page! Huzzah!
For kicks:
I'm ending my 15-year dry spell with board wargames by buying "DIY" versions of them. They're ... interesting.
@WTFE said:
I'm ending my 15-year dry spell with board wargames by buying "DIY" versions of them. They're ... interesting.
This is the only reason I would buy a new printer. I love my cheap laser printer, but a color laser for DIY games (card games are more my thing) would be a lot of fun. I even have a corner-rounder. That's how much I enjoy DIY paper projects.
I spoke to the compsci department head today for the first time and was pleasantly surprised that my first impressions of her were wrong. She is actually quite nice and warm, rather than what I had assumed was bitchy from an email and passing her in the halls at times.
Ugh, I've become such an Oregonian that I assume a lack of eye contact and smile, or a thank you when holding a door openor "hi how are you" when passing by means rude.
Also heaven forbid you don't hold the door open for the person coming in behind you.
Tomorrow I should be receiving my new Galaxy S6, and, much more importantly, my Vault Boy poster.
The last few months of Martial Arts and the last couple of weeks of biking to and from work every day are already starting to pay off: face is slimming, muscles are strengthening, and while I felt heavier due to muscle build up at first, now I feel lighter as I start shedding some excess weight. I'm going to see about tightening my diet a bit with less bread and sweets. But I am slowly starting to feel better. So there's that.