RL things I love
@Coin said in RL things I love:
Graffiti on a wall near my bus stop a few years ago I always liked: For every Monday morning there is a Friday night.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
@Coin said in RL things I love:
Graffiti on a wall near my bus stop a few years ago I always liked: For every Monday morning there is a Friday night.
Yes, but Monday mornings suck twice as much as Friday nights rule. I am way tired on Friday nights way more than I am peppy and ready to go on Monday mornings.
TL;DR: Your graffiti memory sucks, I am glad I could ruin it for you, because I'm a jerk.
@Coin Nah it's not ruined, your mom loves Friday nights.
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
@Coin Nah it's not ruined, your mom loves Friday nights.
She probably hates this one. She's going to have some major jetlag.
@Coin said in RL things I love:
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
@Coin Nah it's not ruined, your mom loves Friday nights.
She probably hates this one. She's going to have some major jetlag.
Jetlag can bite my shiny metal ass.
I've tried every trick in the book , none of them work. On overseas flights I get there, it's morning, I'm all primed to last for the day and go to sleep at a proper time... then by 4 pm or so I'll sleep in an upright position if I have to since my brain's like "fuck this, shutting down".
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
@Coin said in RL things I love:
@Arkandel said in RL things I love:
@Coin Nah it's not ruined, your mom loves Friday nights.
She probably hates this one. She's going to have some major jetlag.
Jetlag can bite my shiny metal ass.
I've tried every trick in the book , none of them work. On overseas flights I get there, it's morning, I'm all primed to last for the day and go to sleep at a proper time... then by 4 pm or so I'll sleep in an upright position if I have to since my brain's like "fuck this, shutting down".
I have actually never suffered from jetlag, but I also haven't flown since my very early twenties, so I have no idea how my adult body would handle it. But back then? Jetlag was my bitch. I was also pulling 28-30 hour days (i.e. span of time I didn't sleep at all). So it wasn't difficult.
When you pitch in to help a co-worker who has fallen behind because the switch to the new system has added some unexpected delays, and your boss recognizes you and orders you lunch from the nice place across the street.
I don't play The Sims, but good on Maxis for opening up almost every gender/bio restriction in the game. I hear that you can't put a teddy on a dude ("no Frank N. Furter" was the phrase I saw), but one thing at a time.
My favorite user comment after the article I got this from:
As a parent with a young child, this type of thing honestly makes me sick ...
... because one day they are going to ask me why people used to care so much if a boy wanted to wear a dress, or why people used to fight about what bathroom to use and I have no idea how I'm going to explain it.
@Thenomain now if they could just get the game to be at the level of Sims 3 and the open world... that'd be great. I have Sims 4, but I find myself playing 3 more often because going into 4 after 3 feels a lot more constrained.
Everybody in the building gets a free 15 minute massage, paid by the company.
Have I mentioned how awesome my day job is? -
The hilarity that is a padded large (12 x 12 ish) cage filled with huge ass balloons, a handful of toddlers, and a series of fans that make the balloons whirl around the air in a perpetual vortex. :). Sometimes happy screams of delight are good for the observer's soul.
I have a new girlfriend who thinks I am funny, likes my beard and is a great smoocher.
@tragedyjones Congrats.
Everyone at Bethesda's E3 showcase is wearing a rainbow ribbon pin.
God bless you, Bethesda.
My wife and I had been saving up for an anniversary meal at a pretty expensive place, and tonight we went. It's in this old mansion, so we were in a room by ourselves for a few minutes. A couple of guys get seated at the table beside us, and it's obvious they were from the US South (Arkansas, as it happens); I say obvious because that accent is not often heard up here in Manitoba... Sticks out something fierce.
Anyway, I struck up a conversation with them, asking them about their trip (they were coming for the fishing, etc), and joked that I wasn't sure how friendly we could be, since I'm a Florida Gators fan, and our teams are in the same football conference. That got some talk about football happening, some stuff about parenting (they asked if it was a special occasion for us, and wished us a happy anniversary), and some politics. They were friendly and polite, and I got on immediately with them.
The food was amazing. The bill came, and when I opened it, there was a note saying, "The gentlemen beside you have paid the cheque in full. Happy anniversary!"
Blown. Away.
The joke around my friends and family is that I'm cold and dead inside because I'm not outwardly emotional, but I almost choked up. These guys had no way of knowing we'd been saving up for this, and just how much the almost $200 means. I shook their hands, and my wife hugged them, and we thanked them profusely. I made sure I left the waiter his gratuity, since I couldn't be sure it had been covered by the two fellows, and we left... deliriously happy.
I am doubly blessed. A woman who has loved me all these years, and a meal paid for by two strangers.
Congrats on the anniversary! How long, if you don't mind me asking?Anniversary surprises are always fun, and I'm glad you got an awesome surprise there.
@Bobotron 7 years! It's been a good run.
Super congratulations!That's awesome.
On the note of marriage, finally finding the perfect ring, and going to surprise my partner of 15 years and, finally get a ring and actually ask him to get married, when our anniversary comes up next month. Now that we can legally do it and all. Not like 15 years come July isn't already hitched anyway.
@dontpanda Awww, that is awesome. Congratulations!