@crayon said:
Discussion of all online text-based role-playing games is something that we encourage on our site, and all games are up for discussion, but that doesn't mean that we don't have a narrower focus group in mind.
You're making it hard to reply to you at face value, you know. There is a certain point where responding to this fact, right here, is frustrating to the point of wanting to find Jeshin and get drunk with him so we can hash this shit out.
I have told both you and where this fails, because it does fail, and it fails right here:
(edit: this is the board being stupid again. quoting in a different manner)
] @Thenomain said:
]] You are not entitled to define the hobby without input from all parts of the hobby, even if you disagree with them.
] Whoever said we were trying to define the hobby?
You did. It's on your first page. I typed out the whole thing. Jeshin gets it. If his life wasn't being ... well, life right now, I'd be in the middle of a chat with him because what you and @Jaunt are doing is ... well, it's no better than what you are saying is being done. As much as @WTFE can get on my nerves, he is right. You both need to stop trying to defend yourselves, especially to people you look down upon, and maybe just take a step back and let hot tempers settle. It's conceited and just ... nngh!
I appreciate that you at least are trying to hold a conversation, but I honestly don't think you get it, and you're doing the same thing that people everywhere do when they don't understand: Bully through it anyhow. And since this atmosphere is pretty hostile to you guys right now, this is making you come off as, well, hostile as well.
This is why I respect Jeshin. I know how he feels about here, yet he is giving an honest, straight-forward try. He's not playing games here, and he's not saying nice things through clenched teeth, and that has to be hard.
You and @Jaunt have made some very good points, but like some of the good points made by people who aren't OR representatives, they have been couched in some pretty negative connotations. This makes it very easy to dismiss the points, and that gets both you and I ...
... Nowhere.
I'm going to hold you as accountable for getting nowhere as I, @crayon. Am I right? I try to be. Do I need to be agreed with? Absolutely not, but I will try to change how I think, and what I do, until there is a bridge between our communities.
Bridging the various text-based RPG communities is in your charter.
This is quite different than "our place is our place and we'll talk but we really want xxxx". A lot of the discussion here—those parts that are discussion—have been about this exactly.
I'm responding to you directly because you responded to me directly, because by responding to me I assume that you want to talk to me, so all of this "we don't want to talk about it" does kind of come off as confusing at best, but through the lens of both some people on Soapbox being downright vitrolic and you responding, understandably, defensively, then this "confusing" becomes downright bang-head-against-the-wall frustrating.
My advice? Pick your position and present it. Not officially like you and @Jeshin have been, but in the way a growing community would, like people talking about this great idea they have called Optional Realities.
And for chrissakes, don't be offended when we disagree. This board is more than a discussion board, we are all creators. Everyone who has posted in this thread has written for a game, or coded for one, or created a major event. We are not strangers to this world, nor to your world.
Jeshin gets it. I don't think he knows what to do with it, but he gets it, and I'd be happy to talk to him at length about this. He knows, but I think both he and I forgot that for a bit.
Note: I will ignore @Jaunt's reply to this post, if he/she has one. I'm just not interested in his thoughts anymore, and that's all there is to it.
Edit for second note: @crayon, if you want to discuss this somewhere away from this board and its negative connotations and negative everythings, give me a heads up and I'll give explaining this a different kind of try, assuming that both your and my hard feelings are left at the door and people who love their chosen hobby is appreciated. If I'm reading you right, this is a goal anyhow.
Yes, I'm aware at the contradiction here.
No, I won't be insulted if the response is "no way in hell".