Nov 13, 2017, 3:12 AM

Class-related gripe:

My spec script this month is for an episode of New Girl. If you're unfamiliar, the main character Jess has a best friend: Cece. Now, Jess frequently calls Cece 'Ceec.' This is how I've seen it in closed captions and on production scripts both. It is not a rare diminutive. Jess uses it often; I'd say roughly once per episode.

In the class, we have a handful of shows we could have chosen to write for (New Girl, Brooklyn 911, Big Bang Theory, NCIS, Elementary, and The Walking Dead) and we were expected to watch a lot of our chosen show and at least a couple episodes of the others so as to better provide feedback for our classmates (each Sunday, I've had 6 scripts to review).

You'd think the instructor would be well-familiar, too.

And yet, one classmate out of them all (our 'review' groups have changed and if someone in your group doesn't post their script in time, you pick someone else at random to review)... has picked up on why I use 'Ceec' a couple times in the script (and only in Jess' dialogue). Everyone else, including my instructor (who took points off for it) has complained about me misspelling the name.

Last week I did provide a comment to the effect of 'I just want to clarify...' and I did point it out to my instructor (along with photos of the set to show that yes, I was referring to a part of the Loft accurately tyvm), but my god it's vexing.

I've watched a couple episodes of shows I can't stand so I can accurately review their shit... They can't do the same?