Little miss evangelical classmate has taken on a level of crazy that has pissed me off and is going to lead to me filing a complaint.
After ignoring our rough draft document all weekend for the script (due Tues night) and then today saying she'd 'check in' after bible study, she added a single scene. One not in the outline (and of course, we're not required to stay strictly in the outline, but still: it keeps us all on path).
So a bit of backstory:
o Week 1, we all write our own outline in sci-fi, fantasy, horror, or mystery for a 5-7 page script. Anything we want!
o Week 2, we're put in groups of 6 and we must take our week 1 outlines and craft an outline from them for a 5-7 page script.
o Due to 2 people being delayed and the utter ridiculous nature of the assignment (having had zero structure and such a spread of concepts) we opted for a 'tabletop style' where we each picked one character and figured out reasons for them to all end up in a bar and on the same 'job.'
o So we have a guy from my sci-fi setting (far future), one from a near-future sci-fi, one from a fantasy, and then this chick's "horror" story (female) character. The three guys are hired by a 'Broker' who has intel from the female character. It's jenky, but fine, it works. Gotta fit the assignment, right?
So today, I check in on the rough draft and to add some scenes in, help clean/tighten up in places, offer thoughts, etc. As you do. And there I spot a scene. It's outside the outline, but hey: we expected that. Except this scene has one of the male characters telling this woman's female character: "Shut up, you're just here to look pretty." It's way out of character for the guy. It makes no sense in context. It's just shoved in there. There's no lead up. There's no conclusion for it. It's just a random bit of sexism.
It's written in her color (we're using GDoc and we each have a 'color' to work in, so we know who is commenting/writing what at any given time).
The section is already highlighted and in the GDoc comments, to the right, two of the guys (the group is 4 guys, then me and this other woman) have already WTF'd it too. They had -- carefully -- called it out as being very out of place and that they were not at all comfortable with it, so good for them.
But I am still like: what is wrong with this woman?! (And yes, before anyone tries to question: I did verify via edit history that she wrote it and someone didn't just use her color to fake it being her.) Between her constant passive-aggressive behavior about wanting us to change things based on her religious 'ethics and morals' or her friend in the group (who has still done a grand total of nothing) and now this, I plan to file a complaint.
I can guarantee however that when I clean up and write the final version of the script in Final Draft for upload... that scene ain't gonna be anywhere in it.