Jul 2, 2016, 9:10 PM

Ugh. Steroid shots in the joint huts like a mother fucker. I had to get one in between my shoulder's ball joint and the rotary cuff when I dislocated my clavicle to reduce the swelling. I was not happy during the procedure and once the doctor was done I looked him right in the eye and said 'forgive me for swearing but what the fuck did you just do to me!?'. He then asked me if I wanted some tylenol for the pain. It didn't hurt too bad at the time so I shrugged it off and told him no but thanks. Little did I know he meant it'd be for the pain I'd be in LATER. I was waiting in the car post-appointment while my mom was in the bank and all of a sudden my arm made like it was made of fire - not burn but as if the entire limb from shoulder to finger tips were made of flame! - and my mom came back to find me in tears, promptly making her feel bad for making me wait for her. Was not a fun experience. At. All.