Ugh. Steroid shots in the joint huts like a mother fucker. I had to get one in between my shoulder's ball joint and the rotary cuff when I dislocated my clavicle to reduce the swelling. I was not happy during the procedure and once the doctor was done I looked him right in the eye and said 'forgive me for swearing but what the fuck did you just do to me!?'. He then asked me if I wanted some tylenol for the pain. It didn't hurt too bad at the time so I shrugged it off and told him no but thanks. Little did I know he meant it'd be for the pain I'd be in LATER. I was waiting in the car post-appointment while my mom was in the bank and all of a sudden my arm made like it was made of fire - not burn but as if the entire limb from shoulder to finger tips were made of flame! - and my mom came back to find me in tears, promptly making her feel bad for making me wait for her. Was not a fun experience. At. All.
RL Anger
Ugh. Steroid shots in the joint huts like a mother fucker. I had to get one in between my shoulder's ball joint and the rotary cuff when I dislocated my clavicle to reduce the swelling. I was not happy during the procedure and once the doctor was done I looked him right in the eye and said 'forgive me for swearing but what the fuck did you just do to me!?'. He then asked me if I wanted some tylenol for the pain. It didn't hurt too bad at the time so I shrugged it off and told him no but thanks. Little did I know he meant it'd be for the pain I'd be in LATER. I was waiting in the car post-appointment while my mom was in the bank and all of a sudden my arm made like it was made of fire - not burn but as if the entire limb from shoulder to finger tips were made of flame! - and my mom came back to find me in tears, promptly making her feel bad for making me wait for her. Was not a fun experience. At. All.
I wish they'd given me something for the pain. There was supposedly anesthetic mixed in with the hydrocortisone, but my luck it was lidocaine (which I'm immune to).
I've been using Android as my smartphone OS of choice for years now but once it's time to upgrade again I'll need to switch to an iPhone.
It's pathetic how few updates are making their way to actual devices any more. Only 17% of all Android devices have the latest security updates which is pathetic, and exploits are accumulating including critical ones that bypass full disk encryption on them.
I don't want Apple products, they are overpriced and I've long disliked their walled garden approach to ... well, everything, but at least months-old critical security flaws aren't allowed to persist. Meh.
I switched to iPhone last year because of work. Used to be very hardcore Android... But honestly? I've been pleasantly surprised.
I'm too busy these days to give a damn about things like rooting my phone or similar. Apple's TestFlight system for testing builds is far superior to Google's current method of 'Join this G+ Community and then hope this link works' (9 times out of 10, it doesn't).
Also? I've had my 6 for a year and a half now and it still runs great. My experience with Android is that about a year in, the manufacturer stops releasing updates and developers are already on to the next device, so you're stuck with an outdated device that runs like molasses.
I don't think iPhones are perfect. I still find Apple annoying for a lot of other reasons. But right now, I think they're winning the smartphone game.
I'm so sorry.
They look like a loved, content catte.
@Arkandel <many hugs> I'm sorry.
Looks just like one of my mom's kitties, too.
I'm sorry, @Arkandel, having just gone through this last week. Enjoy you time with her/him, and make the best decisions you can.
People who hit "reply" instead of "reply all" in an e-mail and end up telling me something they need to be telling the person I am referring to them.
Like, is it that hard to read the metadata of the e-mail that is right there in front of you?
People who hit "reply" instead of "reply all" in an e-mail and end up telling me something they need to be telling the person I am referring to them.
Like, is it that hard to read the metadata of the e-mail that is right there in front of you?
I have this problem with my landlord. Whenever I email him and cc the roommates, he only replies to me, which leaves them in the dark. PITA.
I sure love passive-aggressively doing the "looping Bob back in!' thing after they drop him from the first email I looped him in on.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand going to court tomorrow over this rent thing. Because I got the summons or whatever to answer the thing or else get a default judgment, and it was the Friday before the holiday weekend and my check was still in transit so I went in to be safe, and now I guess even though they have all of the rent owed we can't not do the hearing or whatever at court. In my head, I know it's going to be okay, because they literally have all the money, but Jesus Christ I'm stressed and ashamed and terrified because court and I'm supposed to be an adult.
Bring copies of your checks, if you have them, showing that the amounts were deposited into someone's account. Or, if not yet deposited, evidence that you mailed the checks out or delivered them to your landlord.
In most jurisdictions, a landlord cannot proceed to evict you -- that is, get restitution of the premises -- where they have accepted payments for rent. You may still owe the landlord money, but acceptance of money after the filing of a complaint or statutory notice obviates the landlord's right to restitution of the premises.
@Ganymede Yeah, I have the letter from my bank saying that the checks were cleared and deposited. Which is why I know I'm not getting evicted or anything like that. I'm just still terrified. I've never been to court, and it's not even my own fault, I'm just liable and cleaning up my roommate's mess.
Court's no fun, but it happens to the best of us. It doesn't make you any less of a responsible adult or a bad person. It's just one of those things a person has to go through at some stage in their life.
I'd say don't sweat it, but I know it's a stressful thing. Just know that, seriously, it really truly doesn't make you any less responsible / adult.
I'd like to rearrange my office. But my lingering ankle pain makes me afraid to move furniture.
Jesus Christ I'm stressed and ashamed and terrified because court and I'm supposed to be an adult.
Show them your MSB account, that should settle any issues of shame or misconceptions about your adulthood.
UNFORTUNATELY I didn't read this until after I'd already been to court. Obviously this would have gotten the whole case thrown out!
As it turns out, the only thing left that we owe is my roommate's half of the July rent -- WHICH I DIDN'T KNOW THEY HADN'T PAID HAH HAH THIS IS GREAT -- but we settled to pay it up by the end of July and everything will be set. But getting an actual breakdown of the rent payments made me realize that there were definitely times my roommate was scraping by -- paying their half of the rent in smaller installments, then bigger chunks -- and just didn't tell me. I can't cover for them for everything, but god you have to tell me. I'm on the lease, too! I am liable! I would like to rent another apartment someday!
Show them your MSB account, that should settle any issues of shame or misconceptions about your adulthood.
UNFORTUNATELY I didn't read this until after I'd already been to court. Obviously this would have gotten the whole case thrown out!
I like the idea of using this hobby as proof I'm not liable for the adult world. I think it'd work!
That sounds like a dumb and awful ordeal, @Roz, but I'm glad it was sorted out.
Frost Warnings. In July. In the northern hemisphere.