So I had my rant recently about my boss talking down to me and me pinging on it being fairly fucking sexist.
Because our project/client is so freakin' stressful/intense/etc...
the client manager and HR sat down with each of us last week to get a temperature read, feedback, etc. and because I'm in 'no fucks given' mode, I was honest as shit about a lot of things. I was still professional, polite, and even-keeled, but I was honest. Usually I'm reticent about issues, usually I withhold, usually I'm just 'oh yeah everything's fine!' No, I spent a good long while with both of them detailing out everything.
And I brought it up.
And while the client manager (fellow woman) was silent, the HR guy did the whole 'Are you sure it was because your teammates are male and not because Dimitri <named coworker in the original exchange> is considered a senior on the project?' and I was very adamant that yes, I am sure, because I could read the tone.
I have only once before reported a coworker/boss for sexist behavior and that was the ass who made the 'If I had my way, women in this place would be forced to wear skirts because women always feel prettier in a skirt and when you feel pretty, you're happy, and you work better' comment to me.
Fast forward to today. I'm tasked with building accounts for the new hire on our team. I go to mirror the account for the guy hired not after me, but after the guy hired after me. Well, not even after me. I'm one of the original three. So he's still pretty fuckin' new. He's so new I lose time every day to holding his hand through shit. He's so new I brought him up in the above meeting as 'He needs a lot more training because he's floundering.'
...except when I go to mirror him, I find out he has higher level permissions than I do.
So I ask my boss wtf.
Boss: 'Oh, well, after <coworker who quit the other week> left, his perms got raised for redundancy.'
His did? Not mine? 'For redundancy'?
Fuck all you motherfuckers.