@Thenomain said:
It's strange to see a lawyer being honest about the courtroom experience.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
@Thenomain said:
It's strange to see a lawyer being honest about the courtroom experience.
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
I can't threaten to leave the country if Drumpf wins the election because my only real knowledgeable skill is in criminal justice and all the nice countries don't need as many POs.
@tragedyjones All these celebrities threatening to leave if Trump wins - usually to come here to Canada - seem to forget that: 1) we already have a healthy supply of entitled whiners, thank you, and; 2) other countries have immigration laws that don't just let RandomDudebro in because reasons. It's like someone saying, "If Hillary wins, I will declare myself King of England!" That's not how that works at all.
(Note: 100% of Canadians - I asked around - agree that voting for Trump is insane, so it's not like I'm yay Trump or something)
Hey now, Canada voted in some goofus some years ago, and let him do lots of damage. Good job on moving onto a better choice BTW.
@Misadventure said:
Hey now, Canada voted in some goofus some years ago, and let him do lots of damage. Good job on moving onto a better choice BTW.
Stephen Harper. He was elected in 2006. Canadians survived him for almost 10 years, and the damage he did is not irreparable.
What Trump will do in one year will be irreparable. What Trump's election would do will be irreparable.
So Harper is sort of like Trump's hat?
@Misadventure Yeah, we went to a dude who, if his name had been Pelletier wouldn't have ever been elected Mayor of Nowheresville (for those who don't know, Justin!'s dad was a popular - if TERRIBLE - Prime Minister back in the 70s, so... name recognition still counts). My confidence in him is about as low as it has been in any of my options.
I'm sitting here, hoping Justin! doesn't screw this country up as much as I'm afraid he will.
But if someone wants to know why I think that way, feel free to ask privately. I don't mind, but the internet sometimes feels like a bunch of people yelling into a room.
@dontpanda said:
I'm sitting here, hoping Justin! doesn't screw this country up as much as I'm afraid he will.
You make best with what you've got. Mulcair didn't impress anyone, and Harper wasn't an option.
Justin!'s done a good job with his Cabinet, as far as I can tell. Harjit Sajjan is as good a choice as any for Minister of Defence. And Marc Garneau as Minister of Transport seems like a good idea. Native-Canadian Jody Wilson as Attorney General? Good idea. Catherine McKenna as Minister of Environment and Climate Change? Maybe not so much, but a social-justice lawyer isn't a terrible choice. Dr. Jane Philpott for Minister of Health? Another good choice.
I don't know. The change has been drastic, but Trudeau seems to have surrounded himself with people who are more qualified than him to lead in particular areas. Not a bad idea. Also, 50% women, and a substantial number of racial and religious minorities. It's like he went out of his way to create a diverse Cabinet.
Meanwhile, under the Obama administration: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is a civilian who has never been in a field of combat, and whose expertise is in theoretical physics. I shit you not.
As I said, you make best with what you've got.
Whenever I see an idealistic seeming politician rising, I can't help but think of the well intentioned Vice president of the US from Martha Washington Goes To War.
The person who coined the phrase "The customer is always right" needs to be hung, shot, stabbed, immolated, drawn and quartered, drowned, poisoned, tar and feathered, chopped up into several pieces, fed to the birds, and then the birds need to be exploded. Anything that remains shall be electrocuted. And those remains given a lethal injection.
And then the finger. Twice.
And then shot into space.
@Insomnia And set on fire. In space. Then pelted with meteors. Then captured by aliens and probed until there's nothing left.
We finally got a new hire at work! Yay!
...except the New Hire is already talking about quiting.
Also she doesn't want to work her shift, she asked for my shift instead.
Also she doesn't want Graveyard at all, so wants to transfer as soon as possible.
Also she has had two weeks of training and says it isn't enough, so I have to work her shifts for another week.
Also I have to work my shifts as well, so I get eight shifts this week. For a total of 70+ hours. Since my co-workers decided to make it so nobody but me has to work extra.
Also the bitch broke the fucking office chair we all have to share because she's so overweight and now it won't roll and it makes an awful scraping noise on the concrete.
Why. The fuck. I... just don't understand. Why won't the universe put on some lipstick? Why won't it wine and dine me? If it's going to fuck me, I at least want that out of it.
@Miss-Demeanor Then dipped in acid.
So apparently my country owes Google money so now we... don't have Google. I literally can't access the page from work--everything else works. But nothing on Google does--including my gmail, which is the only e-mail I use. Lulz.
It's not even that much money, and they'll likely fix it soon, but wow. Just wow.
Google's back. FOR NOW. DUNDUNDUN.
@Coin You could have probably still accessed it over Tor. But wow.
@Coin Wow. That's a new one. My country of origin is totally tits-up and owes money to everybody, but I haven't heard of that happening. Yet.
@Vorpal I bet my country of origin can give your country of origin a run for the money it doesn't have.
@Coin Oh, go google your mom.
(Am I doing this right?)