@sunny Had that camping. I had a second tent to hold stuff like our boat and oars and pots and llifejackets etc etc. They were unzipping it, going in, getting stuff and coming out. One waddled out with my dish sponge. I got out of my tent and held up my boot and a flashlight and he was like easily the size of a llike a really really fat maine coon, and he was snarling over a -sponge-. Eventually he dropped it and stomped off. Or they unzipped the tent, got in, but knocked over pots. And the sides of the tent (2 person not big) showed them running into the walls and then squeezing out of the opening in the zipper and bolting.
RL Anger
@sunny Had that camping. I had a second tent to hold stuff like our boat and oars and pots and llifejackets etc etc. They were unzipping it, going in, getting stuff and coming out. One waddled out with my dish sponge. I got out of my tent and held up my boot and a flashlight and he was like easily the size of a llike a really really fat maine coon, and he was snarling over a -sponge-. Eventually he dropped it and stomped off. Or they unzipped the tent, got in, but knocked over pots. And the sides of the tent (2 person not big) showed them running into the walls and then squeezing out of the opening in the zipper and bolting.
Damn raccoons.
As much as it sucks that they ate your beautiful tomatoes, I am really glad that it wasn't a person. Like, at least you don't have 'people suck' on top of losing your food.
@sunny Yeah. At least now it makes a littel more sense why some of the green but big ones were taken and why ones further under and in the big tangle weren't taken. I can be mad still but can't be -as- mad. The little fuckers live in the sewer just across the street. They pop up or we see them rolling their fat butts and squeezing in. I bet they play in my pool.
It's unfortunate that the little buggers are so cute. Or maybe fortunate, I don't know.
@jibberthehut Well at least it wasn't human planning/malice/laziness.
Humanity vs nature instead of humanity vs humanity.
Makes me feel better at least. Though I hate them, I mourn your devil's fruit loss and the care you put into growing them.
@misadventure I'll be able to afford chicken wire and stuff next year and make an enclosure when I add more garden beds. I have the winter to 3d print stuff too. Make it deer, and raccoon proof. And toad friendly (There was a giant toad). At least I have the cucumbers (too prickly to eat) and the tomatoes by my AC (too noisy it seems).
@jibberthehut Beware! As my brother found out, foxes will eat toads. And its very crunchy sounding, apparently.
@misadventure I will make note. As does my dog
and cat
@misadventure said in RL Anger:
@jibberthehut Well at least it wasn't human planning/malice/laziness.
Humanity vs nature instead of humanity vs humanity.
It would be great if life could stop shitting on me in tiny ways that accumulate to the point where I am about to have a fucking mental breakdown in the middle of the office.
I'm moving on Saturday, which is stressful enough. I'm also moving in with my brother (unavoidable due to monetary issues), which is ten times as stressful, especially since I've had to help him with his move while I am suspicious, based on the fact that now that he is moved into his room he is doing jack all to clear up the mess left in his wake, that he won't be helping me with mine at all.
My internet at my apartment died this last month due to some "massive problem" that they can't apparently fix in over three weeks. So I've been cut-off in my apartment because my phone provider is a piece of shit that gets no signal in my apartment, so I have no internet and no phone at home.
The house I am moving into has water pressure issues so I was going to put in a water pump to make sure we don't run out of water--but that's not possible due to technical issues with how the house is built and cistern shit.
My debit card demagnetized itself.
My landlady's lawyer is hounding me constantly about bills which I am paying.
And just now, trying to hire a new ISP for the new house, JUST AS I FINISH GIVING THEM ALL MY INFO but before they can give me an installation date--the call cuts out. Then I spend 30 minutes on the phone getting bounced from one person to the next until someone finally informs me their tickets system is down--please call back in a few hours. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
Like, legit, I cannot catch a break. Not a single fucking break. And it's all stupid shit that would be annoying but not so bad on their own but they just keep coming, god dammit.
We have this one customer with whom we've got a weird relationship which comes down to everyone walking on eggshells around them, and we're trying really hard to not leave anything to chance, make no mistakes and give them no excuse to complain.
A week ago I made a small change to one of our scheduled runs for my script; basically it ran an hour earlier. That shouldn't affect anything regarding its functionality.
Now keep in mind I don't believe in coincidences.
So that same night things started getting freaky. Our separate remote logging service wasn't picking up the script's run at all - it was as if it was never ran in the first place, but I could see on local logs that it did run, and the files that it created and transferred.
Not believing in coincidences I started digging in my off hours to figure out wth happened. Then another item came to my attention; a second separate system which looked into a different database to pull some statistics about the script's activitity broke and it was pulling nothing.
Now I got really worried because two coincidences were too many. I went at it harder, broke the script down and went over it line by line to figure out why the hell changing the time would cause such havoc. This took days, and I could find nothing - but the strange thing is neither did our customer. They had no issues.
And then it came to light that each of those two separate systems broke down around the same time as mine... independently.
So it was a coincidence, but I busted my ass before that was clear.
Randomness fucked me over even after I accounted for it.
- 13 days later
Japan gonna Japan.
Sadly.And now I know why the last time (a few years ago) I looked at their immigration standards, they were only allowing in people in medical fields.
Good job, Japan.
@auspice What's crazy is Japan already has a documented aging population problem. Going as far as to systematically discourage women from having children and stuff like this under the table... gee, I wonder what can possibly go wrong there.
@arkandel That was a creepy movie.
@arkandel They should have known better than to go there. Hipsters living in a protected bubble assumed that just by smiling and waving the world would accept them.
I'm not a racist, but I don't go into a black street gang's territory at night. Because as a white guy, I'm an outsider. I'm someone they typically hate.
I can do outreach. I can give to charity. But I can't go into -terrorist infested- areas and not expect something bad to happen to me.
By trying to be 'part of the solution' and 'sharing stories of love' they became a giant fucking headline that the alt-right will use to say 'See? We were right!'
Motherfuckers is right. Fuck those hipster assholes for making the entire region look bad.
@admiral said in RL Anger:
They should have known better than to go there.
I concur.
But fuck the New York Times for even publishing such sanctimonious tripe.