i am pissy at my boss. She's mad because I had a sugar crash, which was caused by her sending an IT ticket for a problem I had, instead of letting me handle it, and the helpdesk moron called me when I should have been going to lunch. This is after the problem with the internet this morning, where she wouldn't let me try a 5 minute solution versus waiting on hold for 45 for helpdesk.
RL Anger
i am pissy at my boss. She's mad because I had a sugar crash, which was caused by her sending an IT ticket for a problem I had, instead of letting me handle it, and the helpdesk moron called me when I should have been going to lunch. This is after the problem with the internet this morning, where she wouldn't let me try a 5 minute solution versus waiting on hold for 45 for helpdesk.
I've been on this one medication for several years now. It helps control my extreme pain from nerve tumors as well as my PTSD. Now that I'm back in the States, I have to fight tooth and nail with my insurance company to cover it. I don't know what to do.
@Thenomain said in RL Anger:
Do you have military coverage?
Medicaid. I was living in Canada for the past six years while I was in grad school and ended up having to come back rather abruptly this past January (tl;dr don't try to be your own immigration lawyer)
I've been looking for work since I got fired, but even the big chains that are always hiring have said no thanks.Today unemployment told me I don't qualify for any benefits because in the quarters they look at, I didn't make enough money.
My horse and I get kicked out of my parents' home next month. My mom has been helping me pay my bills behind my dad's back, but she doesn't make much, either. She'll be helping me move across the country so I can squat in a room that a friend has been so kind to offer me so I at least won't be homeless.
I caved and put my dream horse, my most valuable asset both monetarily and emotionally, my main motivation for even continuing to exist most days, up for sale. The only person seriously interested in him doesn't want to pay for him.
This soul-crushing hopelessness is fucking exhausting.
@PuppyBreath said in RL Anger:
I caved and put my dream horse, my most valuable asset both monetarily and emotionally, my main motivation for even continuing to exist most days, up for sale. The only person seriously interested in him doesn't want to pay for him.
I know a lot of people out there might look at this and be like "pfft, a horse is such a luxury", but as a fellow horse person I feel you on this; the partnership you share with a beloved horse is sometimes one of the best balms for depression and despair. When everything else is dark or seems hopeless, even just being there in the pasture or stall—much less actually tacking up and going for a ride—can be the light you need to keep going.
If I had to sell Debutante, it would break my heart.
You have my sympathies on this one.
My spouse is back in the hospital for the third time since december and I am keeping my shit together, my household and our finances together by a shiny fucking thread but I dearly want a break instead of having to be waltzing from one appointment to the next and having our lives ruled by his fucking foot. And I can't just give in because clients depend on me and mortgage don't get paid if I hide in my room and cry for a week.
@jibberthehut I hear you. I'm in somewhat of the same boat myself with my spouse's medical issues/finances/etc.
@Alamias like at least we have medicaid but I thought we were past this shit with the MrSA. But newp. Because why the fuck would I be allowed for two seconds to seriously think about driving to stay in a cabin with family for three days with no kids or dogs, changing diapers, scopping poop and worrying about bills because he was finally able to go teach some classes. But nope. Lost a daycare kid (their parent got let go) and now he is back in and this infection looks to have tunnel up his leg now. So more iv crap and back to lives run in 12 hour blocks and just fuck everything.
Did i mention I don't drive? So my bike is about to get heavy use because I sure can't blow 20 bucks a day on uber.
@jibberthehut winces Yeah, that is no good. I'm just having to deal with spouce's chronic migraines, which means medical leave since she can't drive to work or teach kids when her head feels like it is going to explode.
The lack of her income hurts, and being denied for her 'supplemental disability insurance' was a blow we didn't need after a surprise tax bill drained our savings. We are managing to squeak by just barely with some financial musical chairs, but I can't do this dance forever.
At least you are getting some good exercise? (I don't know, I'm trying to find a silver lining somewhere...)
@Alamias i will be getting some. Kickstarts my return to ivxs every 12 hours and iv shipments and home care nirses unable to get fucking blood and just ugh". Just man, we have been religious as fuck about his foot. So it's just, really, after two weeks off antibiotics he was for two months, now this happens?
I get it with the migraines. Same here. Will crossmy fingers for you guys, they just suck. Hoping I don't get one this week at all.
@Sparks Thank you! He's really been a lifesaver. Even outside of the 'therapy' aspect, which is huge for me, I've lost 50 lbs (so far) so I can ride him. Thinking about my life without him is devastating. I realize how privileged I've been to have a horse at all, and I'm so grateful that my parents have been willing to keep him on their property for this long.
I really thought I could figure something out. I still have hope that I will, somehow.
Redacted: Reading program launch error. Apologies. I misread, Jibber.
@Taika didn't even see what you wrote so all good. In my imagination it was cupcakes and rainbows and million dollar lotto tickets.
I hope you all find some way to make it work. I'll send good vibes!
This post is deleted! -
I've gotten completely numb to it, which in most ways is actually substantially worse than anger. -
This one hit home for me even more than usual because my school is actually a spin off from that one. My mother was calling frantic thinking it was my school.