Work is making us all take training in something called “The R Effect”, which is mostly personality management (dangerously close to double talk, honestly, but has some solid ideas so I’ll at least try).
At occasional points the video has an interactive bit where it asks “what do you think”, and I feel it’s trying to get you to respond in a certain way out of shame, to help the conditioning.
(Note, I don’t think all work-mandated conditioning is bad. Most of it, yes, but not all. Acceptance conditioning I can go with.)
Well at one point the talking suit says, “Do you promise to do <x>, to make it part of your life, to do your very best.” Of course I answered no, because I’m not going to promise to anything.
And I swear, the guy pulled a tangent out to say why I was wrong.
Well fuck you, inventor of this behavioral life method, for asking me personal questions then chiding me for them. Fuck. You.
Ironically, the promise was to take “blame, complain, deny” out of my life, and the thing he said was bad and “you can look up the studies for yourself” was about venting. I didn’t say I wouldn’t try to not vent, venting was never even brought up! I said I wouldn’t promise to excise your negative meme bullshit from my soul, but you can bet I’m venting now you feckless no-chinned MBA twat.